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Instruction: download the zip below and extract it over the game folder from this post. Make sure that App.exe and the json files are replaced with the newer ones.

The key feature in this build is the new automatic NotSoSmart card selection. What it allows you to do is to select a grid to move/attack as a shortcut instead of having to select cards first.

Here is how it looks in action: https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1337161018363891712 

I like to stress first that this isn't meant as a replacement for card selection, rather it complements it in situations where player ergonomics is more important than precision and maximizing turn impact. As such, you'll often find that you can do (much) better with manual card selection, and that's intended and completely fine.

However, at the same time, I don't want it to be so suboptimal to the point of being useless. So it does an okay job at intelligently picking the attack and movement cards, just that it doesn't understand the full picture and is ignorant about positioning, card combinations and so on.

Here is a brief on how the card selection works:

1) It does not use Exhaust cards, because that should be a decision that the player makes manually.

2) It only "knows" about Attack and Move effects. This is intentional to mirror the fact that in most grid games, the default action is just move and/or attack; utilizing things like heal and status effect usually requires selecting an appropriate skill/ability first. However, if by chance, the cards contains additional effects beyond Attack and Move, it will use them at the best of it's ability, instead of skipping them.

3) If the tile hovered is empty, the system will try pick bottom side of a card with Move effect. It does not use top action at all on the assumption that those are reserved to do an action. The system prioritize picking cards that will reach the destination first. For example, if the target is 4 tiles away, Move 6 will picked over Move 2. If there are multiple cards that can reach the destination, the card with least Move effect will be selected on the (often incorrect) assumption that fewer Moves = weaker card. For example, if the target is 2 tiles away, Move 3 will be selected over Move 4.

4) If the tile is an enemy, then the system will interpret this as wanting to do an Attack and will try to select an attack card with highest damage potential. (It doesn't account for things like Block and Adv/DisAdv atm but it may in the future). It will prioritizes using the top side first if the character still have top action remaining. Then it will use the bottom side if the character only have bot action remaining. This setup sometimes cause inefficiencies such as not using bottom Empower first before attacking, or using the top side of card when it has the only bottom attack, but works well enough for most cases.

As always, feedback/suggestions are always welcomed!


  • added NotSoSmart automatic card selection
  • you can toggle this on/off by pressing the button on the bottom right of screen
  • camera now automatically shifts to the attacked unit during combat
  • friendly units do not gain advantage/disadvantage versus each other (matters for friendly moves that increases lust)
  • you can now only select targets via the grid tiles (and not the character models) during combat as this feels far more consistent 
  • AI will now prioritize closest units first
  • re-implemened Block as a Status Effect, and added some shenanigans to make defensively buffing a friendly unit that's going next feels less bad
  • improved Nurse's deck. She packs way more heals now
  • rallying-units now only takes 1 damage from attacks 
  • various UI tweaks



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