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Instruction: download and replace the old App.exe (v6.0) in this post with this new one attached below.


  • At start of turn, your units in a grab now draw a Pass Turn token card that allows you to well... do nothing
  • Fixed bug(s) caused by units sometimes able to use invalid ability effects like Attack in a grab due to multiple step cards like Double Strike
  • Fixed the no valid target within range prompt when try to use a self heal when full hp
  • Combat end is now checked right before the next unit's turn to allow units to make full use of multiple step cards like Transfusion
  • Fixed AI sometimes grabs one of their allies (this will probably come later as an actual effect tho)
  • Disabled units now no longer show their hypothetical move range and threat range when hovered on to be more consistent with action preview bubble behavior
  • Party member select window now shows what cards each character has and a brief of each card's effects
  • Fixed bug with grab attacker orgasm gain not lowered by their current lust level
  • Fixed a memory issue that caused FPS drops on certain AMD cards
  • Minor combat grid UI fixes
  • Unit now draws cards at the start of their own turn instead of at the beginning of each round, this shouldn't have any apparent effect but I want to make a note of it in case something goes wrong.



Lol, and here I thought that the time a goblin decided to drill it's own party member who was in ecstasy, that it was intentional. Pity. I have one suggestion. Usually you can highlight enemies to see their movement and attack range, but at the very first round of combat you can't, which is kind of obnoxious if you want to move as close as you safely can in the first turn of combat. Maybe change it?