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I have been working on the modding system. Which basically means exposing more and more game's hardcoded data as json files for anyone to tweak and modify. 

The modding system design  is very similar to what HRT had: a /data/ folder which contains the mod folders. Then anyone can add new mods into the game by placing a new folder into the /data/ (with the appropriate files) and the game will then load it. 

I want to get started on the modding system earlier this time around, because in HRT, some of the data are hard coded in game whereas others are exposed in the /data/ folders. That led to some confusion on which things are modifiable and which are not. So this time, I want to try to expose as much as possible in the /data/ folder, and load the base game itself as a mod. This base game folder should serve as a good reference for anyone interesting in tweaking the game via modding.

Spent quite a bit of time on upgrading the Particle System, which now load from .jsons plus having a lot more features. I made a couple particles effects that you can sample here:  https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1270906174020304898.

Started to work on porting HRT moves over and to parameterize each move. (Defining things like grab chance %, lust damage, orgasm damage, etc for each move). Starting from next demo, characters wouldn't have all the moves available and instead can only use grab moves they know. (can learn more in the future). 

So here is the poll: how do you feel about grab moves that are strictly better than another? For example, character may start out with "doggy style A". He learns "doggy style B" in the future. "Doggy style B" is strictly better than "doggy style A" - higher base chance %, higher damage. My concern is that because now "doggy style B" is strictly better than "doggy style A," players who enjoys the animation of "doggy style A" more over "doggy style B" may feel pressured to use B instead of A because it's more effective.

Am I overthinking this? 



What if grab moves were more effective in different ways? Like one move might do little damage but grants a stun chance to the opponent, another might do alot of damage but may hit team mates close by or take up alot of a particular attribute or maybe even grant a chance to stun the player character. That way moves are special and strong in their own unique ways.

Jonathan Girard

Why does it need to be separate moves? Is there a way to add it as a skill instead? For instance increasing your skills in 'doggy style' from rank 1 to rank 2 could have the same effect as changing from doggy style A to B. This would allow players to use whichever animation they prefer, and still benefit from the increased stats.


After the HRT ports, the game will have like 50+ moves, and even more in the future. Designing them to all be "unique" and not contain overlaps is going to get exponentially more difficult.


So thats essentially a categorical approach - assign each grab move to a separate group like what the game have with Tease/Pleasure/Finisher and having all moves under each group be equal. This is certainly a plausible approach.


I'm just thinking about how the game will have so many different moves to choose from which is great for a Fap but in terms of gameplay fun don't you think it might be a bit bland for all of them to only hold value based off their damage. In relation to the original post it just got me thinking if one move is clearly better then another but the player likes the former move.. Now he/she feels pressured to use the better move for the sake of winning. Just something to keep in mind.


I don't know if you know it but I remember a game called Tactical Arena online. Their was this half naked character who didint attack, she just paralyzed the opponents around her within her aoe but the tradeoff was that she could not move while in this state. I really thought that was a neat idea; some people would fill their whole team with just her and win just by paralyzing all the enemy characters lol. Maybe think of say 2 or 3 categorys of attacks to spice things up. Instead of all moves being primarily attack based, why not put some as stun/paralyze moves, modest attack moves with debuffs or maybe even a small category of moves that raise a gauge: when it becomes maxed it converts the character to your team. You could make themed characters/bosses fit into this concept as well for example: a bondage/dominatrix themed character with strong stun & mind control abilities. I mean there are so many possibilities but, I don't mean to direct your game or anything; just trying to help.


What about enhanced moves? Maybe you can enhance that less effective move using it multiple times, or with materials and money. Just remember, using strong, costly moves on ordinary enemies in a dungeon-style game isn't a good idea


Good idea, so that falls under "balanced with higher requirements/costs such as requiring higher CHA" I guess.


In your example, why not allow the player who learns the upgraded "Doggy B" to use the stats from Doggy B, but play the animation from Doggy A if he likes it more? Effectively you let him assign the animation from a pool of animations.


Don't know if this has been suggested, but perhaps having grab move damage based on the number of grab moves you have? That way old ones don't fall behind, but your still motivated to collect more.


Interesting idea. I'm not too worried about scaling the move damage, as each character have hAttack and hDef values so level 1 moves could still be applicable even at level 100.


Would like to see something as better techniques but higher reqs, it gives a feel of progression, and i always can use the older, weaker techniques on weakened enemies just to see the animation. Anyway, i know you will do a very fine work ;)


I think there needs to be a balance. I think strictly better would overshadow some moves. I would suggest something like "Move XP" where, the more you use a move, the more you get XP for it and you could level it up. If you want, you could even say that all moves have a max LVL of 5 but some moves have a default base LVL of 3 while your very first moves are LVL1. That way, you could level up your original move to compete with the other ones while still being encouraged to learn new moves because they would be "better gear" to get while still being able to make the "old gear" competitive. Otherwise, I would not create big differences in terms of damage, I would rather have all the moves be equivalent in terms of "DPS". You could make a finisher slightly more effective but slightly more pleasurable to the user for example but I think the variation needs to be slight, not too severe or drastic. I'm wondering though, won't all this data be a bit cluttered on the UI or do you have plans for that?

AJ Parker

If I could, I'd vote Second and Last Option, but yea.

Random Guy

I think it is a very bad idea to give different animations different values as it urges you to use certain animations, even if you do not like them. Instead it should be the characters that affect which animations are "good". E.g. one character could be versed in the cowgirl position and deals more damage using such animations, another character is versed in missonary, cunnilingus etc. Then, one character could have the trait "passionate" and deal more damage with sex, but has a lower chance to succesfully grab the opponent. Another trait could be "controlling", you deal less damage, but the escape chance of the opponent is lowered.