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Here is the 2nd demo of CATC! It's another simple dungeon crawling scenario, but this time, you control 3 units instead of 2. Give it a try when you have the time and let me know what you think. Particularly, very keen to hear the level of difficulty and whether it is too easy or too hard.

With that out of the way, here is some (bad?) news: Patreon will starting collecting sales tax on July 1st. I believe this is due to some law passed around 2017 which will take effect soon. So, by law, Patreon is required to start collecting sales tax if you reside in certain countries. Most notably, many states in the US is affected.

I tweaked the pledge benefits to try to reduce the sales tax everyone have to pay, as only certain type of benefits are taxable. But as I do not have information how Patreon calculates the tax rates, I don't know what percentage people are expected to pay in tax. According to Patreon, maybe it's 2% to 5%. 

For more information, visit here:  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071.




I have a small problem with the demo, it render in a larger resolution than my desktop. I didn’t had that problem with previous demo. Anyway to tweak it or it's fixed for this one ?


the difficulty in the battles is quit good balanced. but you need more possibilities like items or something else to heal between the battles or it starts getting to diffcult.


If your desktop resolution is more than 1600x900, then it might be a DPI scaling issue. Right click on the exe - Compatibility Settings - Change high DPI settings and try the options there.


Yeah, more variety will come. As for healing, your party automatically heal to full green HP at end of combat :).


Tried this version once so far. Managed to finish on my first try. At the end I had one character at 2 max HP, one character at 4 max HP, and one character unconscious, so it was a close call. Balanced I'd say, I made a few mistakes or I might have finished better.


So far I like the game but there is a problem : it renders bigger than my resolution so a lot of things at the edge of the screen are not visible for me. Any help? My resolution is 1366 x 768


I think I already addressed this elsewhere, but for others that have this problem: try F6.