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Turn based sex-fighting system is done! Here is a brief overview of how everything (currently) works:

Before I started, I did some research on other turn-based sex-fighting games and their sex-fighting mechanics. However, I feel like the majority of them are meh. This is because they are either a simple “reskin” of the default RPGMaker mechanics, or they fallback to a Quick Time Event (QTE) based system. I find neither systems to be satisfying.

So, back to the drawing board and this is what I came up with. I decided to go with a chance-based system to try to capture the randomness during grapples and to prevent the obvious best-choices. There are quite a few RPGMaker sex-fighting games where it is very apparent which move you should use - for example, the higher the damage, the better. 

The second idea is that stats matter. A character specialized in sex-fighting should be favored at it than a character that is not. This is represented in the game by their higher success chance. Here is an example:

Now, just because a character successfully grabs another, doesn’t mean the followup (sexing up the opponent) will guarantee to succeed. This is for two reasons. The first is to allow for differences between sex moves - for example, picking a move with higher chance to hit versus a picking a move that deals more damage, but less likely to hit. The second reason is that this gives room for non-sex actions too. For example, perhaps after a grab, you can also choose to pick a restraint to put on the opponent, or to carry, etc.

Here are the 3 different types of grabs to start off. Notice they are different success chance:

During each unit's turn, they can pick which action to use in a turn-based manner:

Expressions now change based on the lust level of the target, too:

Finally, orgasm and lust are now separate bars, here the orgasm level is shown in white:

That's it for now. The stat to success chance calculation may require further change in the future, so I am not going into details how those calculations work atm. 






Looking forward to something playable.


Looking good


It's so good.Looking forward to the full game.On the basis of a good game system, it would be better to have a good storyline.Thank you for your efforts.