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Build is here! This is a bugfixing patch to address some issues with v0.62. It turns out to be more stable than I expected, which is nice. I took the time to implement some features requested by various modders. Hope to see them get put to good use!

Another thing is that if you are on a PC with both integrated graphics card and a dedicated card, the game doesn't run with the high performance graphics card for some people. If you are experiencing this issue, right click on the .exe and select "run with graphics processor" -> "High-performance Processor."

Next up, the Ruins area.


- removed redundant .completionRewards that cause warning messages

- fixed bug that allows you to met duplicates

- reassigned the UID for "Emeria" from "EMER" to "UNITDATA_EMER" for consistency, this does mean you can get 2 "Emeria"s temporarily until the save-incompatiable patch

- fixed bug with last floor of dungeon displaying "To Next Floor" instead of "Exit Dungeon"

- "m_create" and "m_load" will now bypass build restrictions until next zone change

- player breaking out of grab now has a chance to automatically breaks the restraints too to prevent unescapeable grabs

- minimum grab escape time reduced from 5 secs to 3 secs

- non unique allies no longer loses 100% of their hp when cumming

- units now no longer drop items from their inventory. Note: they still drop from their equipment, those two are not the same

-   Looking into some way of defining a droptable at map level, but that isn't implemented for this patch

- added two new teams: "ARENA_A" and "ARENA_B" that are only hostile to each other in anticipation of implementing a arena when the player can speculate

- added new map trigger type: "kill_arena_units" 

-   can be used in dialogue setting with <EFFECTS>, for example {<EFFECTS>:[{"type": "kill_arena_units"}]}

- devices now no longer raises heat when its "category" is "hold" (for example, when placed onto a device without another user interacting with you)

- units can now define a "charFlags" under "character" to store some mod data about the unit. For example: "character": {"name":... , "charFlags":["IS_MOD_CHAR", "IS_BOSS"], ...}

- added a "reqFlags" for "attacker"/"victim" under move_data that makes the move only availiable if the attacker/victim satisfy all the flags. For example: "h_move...": {"attacker": {reqFlags: ["IS_MOD_CHAR", "IS_BOSS"]}...}




hi! i can't find boss in the SOS mission. The red door is closed and nobody near. Is it bug? Or i shall do something else?