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EDIT2: Download v0.621 HERE. Fixed the crush on startup due to wrong path to /data/ folder.

Patch is finally here! I redesigned the "map" progression system and got rid of the random companion recruitment in place of something better.  As you progress and unlock new maps, you will meet recruit-able companions in the process.

A lot of things got changed at once, and there is a non-zero chance that this patch wouldn't play nicely with older saves. If a problem arise (and you are using an older save), I encourage you to try it with a fresh save. Yes, you will lose all the progress in doing so and yes it sucks, but trying to maintain a lot of "legacy" stuff is very time consuming especially now that certain things are done quite differently than how they are implemented in this past. For this reason, a save-incompatible patch is coming up in the near future.

If you did a lot of work on the Tent area and wish to keep it, there is a mod that does this:  https://www.reddit.com/r/enlit3dGames/comments/ct5u4x/players_camp_tent_area_mod/ .

Here is another mod, the Deep Cave mod which is a new map filled with lots and lots of goblins: https://www.reddit.com/r/enlit3dGames/comments/cs0gpm/new_dungeon_goblin_lair_deep_cave/ 


- Redesigned the dungeons

-   you will no longer met potential allies randomly in the map "Dungeon"

-   instead, you will met recruitable as you progress along the missions

-   you will probably need to unlock the areas again 

-   may not work well with older saves, recommended to use a fresh save

- fixed portal in your Own Room not giving options on where to go

- fixed AI weapon switch crushes the game if the AI unit is unarmed

- you can no longer use construction items in non-safe areas. In addition, the game will issue a warning when placing objects in zones that are not saved

-   the above is ignored if cheats are enabled

- fixed spawn units/props triggers are not spawning in correct locations in multi room dungeons

- changed the path separator in base game to '/'(Windows + Unix) from '\\'(Windows only)

- added unlockable zones in the location picker in form of ???

- added experimental support for up to 5 attackers for modded animations

- added simple nested folder handling inside a mod folder to deal with common issue where the folders are unzipped as data/MOD_FOLDER/MOD_FOLDER/stuff instead of data/MOD_FOLDER/stuff

- added manual button mashing - can be disabled in Options/Controls

- unique units now attack slower (but still faster than non-uniques)

- added new dialogue EXEC option: "MARK_CURRENT_ZONE_COMLETE" to mark current zone/map as completed in dialogues

- NPCs are now no longer attackable

- Finishing last floor of dungeon now takes you back to town instead of first floor of dungeon

- fixed game crush when changing zones while placed on a device



A pretty good job,keep doing! But i think part with NPCs are no longer attackable is a little bit wrong because the player wants more freedom of action ...

NSFW Club Games Hoogly

fixed game crush when changing zones while placed on a device


Hali! I really like the game, thank you for your work! :) The new version will not launch :( https://i.imgur.com/6wtHWWb.png


Nooooooo, I gotta refarm all my items.


anyone find a way to get elf ears?


is it just me with a bunch of errors/ bugs when i try to start the game?


The reason for that is that "boss" unit at end dungeon may now initiate a dialogue first before combat. If you alpha strike down the "boss" before dialogue triggers, that causes too many problems.


just a random question, is there a chance your working on adding different expression? like a difference between wanted and unwanted sex? i'm 100% sure your time would be better spent elsewhere, just asking to see your stance on the situation lol


I just downloaded the SilverStud's Moveset mod but i don't know how to add it into the game... can anyone help me?


There a bug error with the goblin lair floor when finishing. http://prntscr.com/oyfewn <--- error of the floor


NPCs no longer attackable huh? Never knew. I exercise extreme control with weapons in cities thanks to bethesda games lol. Had one too few many times where i accidently poke an npc only to have whole city lining for a turn with me.


i get "the code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found. reinstalling the program may fix this problem" when ffmpeg.dll is the item above the .exe to start it




Just a minor defect from some depreciated data. Will be fixed in v0.622


The NPC change is motivated by bosses having (optional) dialogues before combat. The town NPC changes were an incidental effect from that.


2nd SOS when I reach the boss room, the boss is nowhere to be found. Cannot kill the boss to rescue 2nd person. Already rescued the first person.


How do you start over?


Hello. The arrow keys have been used to configure the camera so far. Now it doesn't work. Moved to another location?


hit esc and go to option there should be a delete save under one of the tabs


I am a bit of a new supporter your new game lacks in alot of ways tho it's not super bad or anything here are the pros and cons in your game / pros fully customise your chracter the way you like that was really fun I like that on both heroine rumble and your Heroine rpg game, 2. Your AI team mates are helpful and depending on the gear can solo all most anyone, 3.stages are rather nice and detailed, and finally a lot of different weapons choice. Now for the cons / combat is rather confusing thanks to the block mechanics some times i am not even blocking and it deflects attacks from no real reason. 2. The take people back to your home to try to recruit them as so does not work really well when you are really high lvl killing them instead of knocking them down "this was most upsetting when I try the goblin mission sense I was one hit killing them" 3, The game lacks alot on the female on man H scenes I do enjoy girl on girl but it seems more focus in both of your games it would be lovely for a little more male and female action I don't really count Futa as a male substitute 4, no real special skills or attacks unlike Heroine rumble when they could do certain skills but then that skill will go on a cooldown after use. All in all both games are good but I prefer you continue to work on fighting games like Heroine rumble or make a 3D fighting game when you can go through stages with a allie or solo "kind of like streets of rage or something like that * don't take my comment as negative one I just don't feel like the game you are working on is as good as Heroine rumble via combat wise I do look forward to your next game


In retrospect, I feel I took the wrong half from Mount and Blade - I took the combat system but not the free roam RPG aspects.


have you figure out what your next game will be?


Either a simulation game like adult version of rimworld, a team based turn based tactic games like DD, or possibly HR2.