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Fixed a lot of bugs already, but I am sure there are lots of other bugs to be found. If there arent any major/breaking bugs, I'll like to release the build for the $5 tier as well to get more eyeballs on it.

    - fixed issues from loading saves from v4.9
   - fixed issues with saving with saves from v4.9
   - BGM for test dungeon should be looped now
   - fixed bug that sometimes caused spawn units to fail
   - fixed bug that sometimes caused unit to persist through different maps even when they shouldnt
   - for purposes of device-grab selection, the game now filters using "moveData"
   - maps will now attempt to save grab state between units and "replay" them on load
   - applied a temporary bandaid to stop allies units to rescue each other in camp
   - unique unit data are now saved and loaded as a global state rather than as a property of player / map
   - fixed couple bugs relating to quest state not handled properly - might need fresh save to fix
   - fixed a bug where an unit could be controlled by 2 or more ai controllers
   - constructable objects (crate from merchant) should now be properly consumed on use
   -   marker objects are exempt; they still have infinite uses


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