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Implemented some new features. 

The first is the ingame conceptualization of parties. Before this, the game had no notion of party at all, and instead relied on the team flag on each character to determine which attacks would hit who and so on. Anyways, this is mostly an internal thing atm and its functionality will be expanded. A party management/status screen is the eventual goal. But even just now, it allows for the organized serialize and deserialize of data. (Save and loading of party members)

The next feature is armor destruction. I think it is a very nice feature to have in a lewdgame, particular for those that likes to role play the “inevitable struggle.” It's also a fairly simple thing to do because most of the heavy lifting is already done by the equipment system.

I did have a bit of debate on is whether the armor damage (durability) should be tracked on a per item level or per character. I decided to go with tracking on a per character level. What this means is that for each equipment slot on every unique character, there is an hidden durability meter. This meter goes down when the character gets hit. When the meter for that slot goes to 0, the outfit piece is damaged and visually it disappears. (And only visually, the item doesn't actually disappear). Also, damaged pieces cannot be removed until it is repaired. ( This is what the tracking on per character level means, if durability is on per item level, then swapping out a damaged piece for a non damaged would be possible. )

There is no penalties for damaged pieces atm but that is a very likely feature in the future once armor actually provide benefits.

Finally, to tie the above two features together, is the new Rest action on the tent. What rest does is 1) fully repair all equipment, 2) advance time to next day, and all effects related to time apply (plants grow, pay upkeep in the future, etc). 3) heals non regenerable HP and Will (purple bar) 4) save the party information to be loaded on next game start. This means: already recruited members will stick with you; inventory, equipped items, body slider changes will be saved for all party members. This is NOT a full save so things like changes to terrain and quest state are NOT saved. ( Still WIP )



Sounds great, dude :]


Good idea