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Polearms are here! Their moveset is comprised of two thrusts from right and top, and a slash from the left. Their biggest strength is reach, being the longest weapons category in game. Thanks to Judasilfarion for creating this particular lance model!

Secondly, I created this "marketing" material but I haven't' got the chance to share it, so here it is!

Finally, I am in progress of making some changes to combat mechanics, to make it more fair and interesting to play vs multiple opponents, rather than forcing the player to always have to do X 1v1s to stand a chance and to rebalance stagger (required for bosses) and break. The changes so far includes the following: (still working on it so don't take these changes as final):

  • Mobs have a much longer windup and slower swing speed. 
  • In the same vein as above, starting to implement per character combat variables such as attack speed and damage modifiers, etc, to prepare for the eventual character progression and stats.
  • A bigger distinction is made between Light Attacks (attack immediately / asap) and Heavy Attacks (attack after charging/holding for some time).
  • Heavy Attacks generally gives a boost to the weapon damage/cleave/break (stagger) but at cost of slower rate of attack.
  • Heavy Attacks may be required against "Super Armored"/"Stagger Resilient" enemies,  particularly for the light and quick weapons.
  • There is now a maximum amount of time you can hold/charge a weapon for. In practice, this is more of a nerf to the AI because it now prevents them from running at you while priming their attack, giving the player more time to react on average.
  • Players will no longer always default to guard after a swing, instead, it is now based whether the player starts the swing in guard or not. 




Have you played Vermintide 2? Its melee combat is incredibly juicy and maybe you could use it as inspiration for this game. I'm not saying I'm expecting to see the same quality, that would be insane. I more had in mind the way they treat light versus heavy attacks, how players use them, and what tools they give players for handling "hordes" which you mentioned in this post is currently an issue (and I agree, unless you have allies you're toast). For heavy attacks for example there's only a few weapons that will scale damage the longer you hold the button, most of them you just have to hold it a little and you can let go for a heavier strike. It lets you hold it there for a little moment before forcing you to release it (can't hold it forever).


Is it possible for a Futa option? That just changes a male enemy’s model into a female model, but keeps the male’s lewd animations.


Just don't make the game too easy while you're changing things. I suggest trying to close the gap between the two dungeons. The first dungeon is a literal snore fest that you'll never really get defeated in, while the second dungeon is almost impossible to progress past the martial arts users level.


If 1vX gets better then maybe remove leashing from the enemies so you can't leash them to x 1v1. Or make the leash longer, so you'd have to run back a couple of rooms if you want to escape enemy attention.


The barehand combo, is it possible to add a kick to it?

Ryan The Biggest Dick Zandes

Hey, I have a general question reguarding your last full game, "Heroine Rumble." Is there a way to fully restart the game where both the adventure mode and story mode are completely erased? Thank you for answering and I hope the new edition comes along well.


You can reset the story mode progress via Customize - Reset-Story. IIRC you have to progress far enough in story mode to unlock that option.