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  • Added Auto Escape under Options - Gameplay. If this is enabled, characters will automatically kick out when the escape bar is filled rather than having the escape bar reset. Default is on.
  • Fixed enabling watch not working on a level 0 AI character in exhibition.
  • Fixed game freeze when AI starts a grapple when AI is controlling characters that have non-full (<4) move set. 



I'm still having that same issue with it. Do I need to delete the previous version for it to work?


No problem.


Alright, I found some issues, and one bug. Firstly, how do we erase our characters and start over on adventure/story mode? Still not finding any fix to that. Secondly, The random move generator gets hectic if you're trying to grind for a specific one, especially when the dice roll you on the same moves you already know, repetitively. Thirdly, during dialogue in story mode, starting the match will sometimes freeze you unless you click on screen. The enemy can get a few hits in before you can figure out what's wrong with the game.


1) no in-game method atm. You can do it by deleting the savefile. 2) true, but unfortunately its a simple fix. 3) is fixed for next ver.


is the framerate locked to 20fps? It says 60 on the starting menu but when I click on something, it goes down to 20 and never gets higher.


Its not. However a dedicated graphics card or recent integrated graphics card are required to run the game smoothly. Otherwise try turning down the graphics options.


Sure this was mentioned before but just in case it wasnt. In both story and adventure you are unable to change your AK (left and right) abilities. They are locked to Rapid kicks. When I change them to anything else they change back. Its only the abilities though, everything else changes nicely.