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Move Trainer in story mode can now teach throw moves
CHA H damage increase from 10% per pt to 5%
Practice opponents in story mode can now be futa (if toggle is on)

Fixed exploit that makes story mode and adv mode char level changeable in exhibition
Fixed selected known moves ordering not being saved (The in-match menu selection menu only shows the first valid 8)
Fixed left and right slot were reversed in move/ability customization menu
Fixed the end of story dialogue keep getting replayed



When entering any stage in adventure or story mode by using keyboard, you have to click somewhere before you can move or attack at all.


I'm not exactly happy about Cha being nerfed. It was to begin with the weakest option and requires Agi to be effective at all. In story mode the fight ends 90% of the time before you can even strip your enemy. End is more viable for H move-heavy play style at the moment than Cha is. I wonder if WeaponizedJerk had the 2-3 movements against the weakest enemies in adventure. With 10 agi, 3 End and 27 Cha my character feels far from overpowered.


Nice, Charisma nerfs. The AI Lucia was extremely strong in the game. She was tougher to beat than the final boss lol. If you weren't careful, you'd just get bopped instantly in one H move from her. You wouldn't get the chance to break free. Good call, Enlit3d


BTW, was messing around with the Team Battle to set up 1v2, 1v3,1v4 scenarios. I noticed that, if multiple members of the AI try to grab a downed character at the same time, it always defaults to the first member of the team getting the grab. Not sure if that's a bug/intentional or just how the coding worked out


watch mode still not working. still good update!


So I've been watching updates and gave story mode a try. I took the default character, bumped her WILL up to 10 and beat all of story mode first tries. Point being here, I think any stat will be op if stacked. Since CHA is %5 I took WILL since it's %10 like CHA was. I don't think that nerf was really needed but thats just my opinion. Another thing is doing a Strike build: take the backflip and sweep moves, and when your opponent pops in the air, free 2-3 hit combo. CHA was just the easiest route, now it seems too lackluster to bother with. But anyway, I've played this game way too much. Any chance for a option to assign a key to watch during a battle next patch? Sorry to keep asking, only thing from making this game perfect imo.


So does this mean you are going to start working on the next game now?


This version freezes after graple in team match.


Not able to replicate. Is there a specify sequence of events that cause it to freeze?