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EDIT: newer v0.4331 download LINK.


  • Tune downed difficulty in Adventure Mode 
  • Added "Outer Woods" stage 
  • Fixed the portraits for RNG girls not updated after re-rolling
  • Fixed menu BGM playing ignoring BGM volume controls
  • Fixed possible soft lock caused by not closing status window properly
  • Fixed a case of model spaghettification when entering Adventure Mode.



I have a white screen after opening a game.


Previous difficulty: Stage 1: Oh ok it's easy like last time. Aww, I can't build a futa army. Ah well. Let's grind to level 9 with maxed endurance then I'll try sta-- Stage 2 : 2 angry lesbians beat poor demon while blaring X GON GIVE IT TO YA


Currently the game is at 1653$ I cant believe it! So glad to see the game growing:D


Current bug I noticed Long hair starts to do odd animations when the "take head" grapple is performed on you.


Also, will grapples that target futas be a thing?


And endurance is such a worthless thing to level up :/ 9 points in and not much changing.


It's still giving all futas a Futa-move-only moveset for me. I haven't had them able to do anything other than stuff involving their dicks since 0.42 (that is to say, the version before that had them with more varied movesets). It'd be nice to have that back.


Hey great stuff! Glad to see this project is so successful now. I was curious if there were any plans to add the Victory Poses back soon? From what I remember there were issues with the new models not working with the poses or something to that effect.


In the team battle if i choose elimanation mode the match still ends with pinfall. Is it normal? I Thought this mode was something like endless.


Yea its normal. It changes when can you pin the opponent. (Elim means you must knock out all enemies before pin)


I've noticed a problem: I can't input key changes. When I tried to alter my key bindings, they stayed blank, as if not registering my input. However, when I tried to bind a key that already is in use, it tells me that the key is already in use. Currently, my Attack option is blanked and has no key bind to it.


Great work so far, Enlit3D! It seems to me that the AI level for "Watch" in team mode is still set too low.