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Next patch will feature the leveling up of your character! To do so, you must acquire "Lewds" from playing Adventure Mode.  There will be opportunities in Adventure Mode to return to a hub area where the player can pick the next course of action. You can spend "Lewds" to strengthen your character, purchase items, and/or acquire services and such. It is the equivalent of exp + gold.




I initially invested in this game because a wrestling H-Game is something I've been wanting for a long time, and I was tired of all the side scrolling beat em up h-games flooding the market. As such, I'm incredibly disappointed in the direction the game is heading. I've played the adventure mode, and I'm hoping you're going to set up another way to do levels and character customization through the wrestling system that caught my eye, because I refuse to go through that annoyance that is the adventure mode again.


I understand that not everybody likes the non-wrestling direction the game is heading. The reality is that wrestling is super niche and indeed, the project haven't even hit the 2k/month goal for character customization. But I had to implement it now because it is blocking progress in other areas of the game. I seriously considered pulling the plug on the wrestling focus all together and expand to "sexfighting" multiple times in the past. The only reason I haven't is precisely because of people that love wrestling and I know how few those games are. But at the same time it is too costly to keep going like this... At this point I consider Heroine Rumble the wrestling game to be done in terms of content and Adventure Mode are the steps towards a new game. The reason I am working on the Adventure Mode now is because the same features there (dialogues, level up, resource gain, in-between mission area, persistence) etc will be applicable to wrestling as well. The only real implementation difference being that the "missions" will be wrestling matches. I know this may be disappointing as Heroine Rumble wouldn't be as grand as it could be. But I feel that, even at current state, Heroine Rumble is quite competitive against other action titles. And to be frank, it already exceeded what I originally planned it to be. If everything goes as planned, Heroine Rumble the wrestling game should be done (with customization being its final major feature) in a month or two. It is totally reasonable that not everyone will be interested in the next game. Nevertheless, I am extremely grateful for everyone's support so far, and being though the ups and downs of development.