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I put all of your names on a randomised spinner and fate has chosen...

Felipe :) Congratulations! おめでとうございます!

Thank you all for your wonderful answers. It was really great discovering your exciting motivations for learning Japanese. And all the comments showed impressive levels of Japanese!

I'll be responding to each of your answers in a Patreon-only video so stay tuned!

Also, seeing as this competition was quite popular, I will definitely do another one in the near future. So another chance to win :) 

For the next competition, there will be 3 winners and I already have the manga in mind but it's a secret for now ;)


Misa :) x




I think this is the first time I win something in my life, aside from a bingo at school when I won a package with 3 pencils... I'm very happy =D

Jeremy Vanseader

Congrats Felipe! And more competitions too? Wow :)