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Hey, guys! I’m doing my first giveaway competition (just for you special patreons).

The prize: The first 3 volumes of one of my all-time favourite manga series, Fullmetal Alchemist.

These volumes are in the original Japanese so you can use them to study. But be warned, the language is pretty advanced. If you’re a beginner or intermediate Japanese language learner, don’t be frustrated if you can’t understand most of the language. You’ll probably need to see an English translation to help you and you’ll have to look up a lot of stuff. But that’s okay. Just go slow and enjoy (and check out the awesome anime too).

How to win: Leave a reply to this post writing 3-5 sentences about why you’re studying Japanese.

The catch? Your answer has to be completely 100% in Japanese.

Your Japanese does not need to be perfect. I will choose the winner completely randomly. Anyone who answers following these guidelines has a chance to win.

Only one person will win the manga. BUT even if you don’t win the manga, I hope everyone will feel like a winner because I will be responding to each of your answers in a special patreon-only video and correcting any language mistakes :)

So it’s a win-win. I know I’m totally bribing you guys to make you practice your Japanese. But hopefully it works and I can help you bring your Japanese ability up ;)

Time-frame: This competition will be open for 5 days, from Saturday 22rd of April until Wednesday 26th of April. I will use a random generator to pick the winner on Wednesday and I will then send the prize out. After that, I’ll make a video replying to the awesome comments about why you’re studying Japanese.

Good luck and have fun. I can’t wait to read your answers.


- Misa :)



James P.

毎日は日本語を勉強したり、映画をみたり、アニメをみたり、音楽を聞いたりします。 日本語を勉強するのが好きです。 毎日にLINEで友達と日本語を喋ります。 日本にいったことがありません。 でも、来年は日本に行ったり、友達と遊んだりします。


あああああ、まだ時間があるのですか。鋼の錬金術師がだーいすきです! 日本語はすごい面白いから、勉強しています! 漢字をかくのがとてもたのしいです。でも、大抵(?)むずかしい!お金が少ないので、日本語を独学でまなんでいます!また日本に行きたいな〜♡! 。わあぁ、正しいかどうか自信がない。。。(笑) これから、一生懸命がんばりまーす!みさ先生どうもありがとうございました!!