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英語(えいご)では "April Fools' joke / prank" と言(い)いますね。
Tomorrow is April Fools' Day!
People enjoy April Fools' Day in Japan too.
In English you say "April Fool's joke / prank".
In Japanese  we say "joudan" for "joke" and "itazura" or "dokkiri" for "prank".
But in Japanese, we actually say "April Fool's USO  (LIE)", not "April Fool's joudan (joke)".

~April Fool Vocab~
★嘘をつく (うそをつく) = to lie
- It was a lie! (Apirl Fools!) = 嘘だよ! uso da yo
- Just kidding! = 冗談だよ! joudan da yo

★騙す (だます) = to deceive / to trick
- I was fooled. / I fell for it. / I was deceived.
= 騙された。 damasareta
★ひっかかる = to fall for a trick
You (someone) got me. / I fell for it. = ひっかかった。
*This can also be used as "I got you!"
エイプリルフールの嘘に 騙された。 / ひっかかった
eipuriru fuuru no uso ni damasareta / hikkakatta
= I fell for an April fool.
(Both are very common words!)

A lot of websites do April Fool's jokes! :)

☆ Dragon Ball Super - ドラゴンボール
Goku became an office worker?!

☆ NEW Godzilla - 新ゴジラ
ゴジラ第二携帯(ごじら だい に けいたい)
This is a ダジャレ (pun).
「第二形態(だいにけいたい)」means "second form".
Like Dragon Ball, monsters / robots often change into a new form and the second form is called "dai-ni-keitai".
But for this joke, they changed the kanji "形態(keitai = form)" into "携帯(keitai = cellphone)". And advertising a "Godzilla cellphone". lol

☆ Case Closed / Detective Conan - 名探偵コナン(名探偵ヘイジ)
This is a classic family (?) anime in Japan. I used to watch this every Monday.
Normally the main character is コナン (Conan) but just for this April Fool, they changed the main character to Conan's rival / friend ヘイジ (Heiji).
It's kinda cool if you do know this anime.

What some companies did in 2016 :

Drone Taxi - ドローンタクシー
Try reading the descriptions! Especially the 「お客様の声 (Customer's voice / Review )」. It's really funny.

AUDI "Kao-moji (emoticons)" car - 顔文字
Depending on the driver's mood, the kao-moji (emoticon) changes.
This is pretty cool too. Most drivers are angry so if this were real, all you'd see would be  -  (`ヘ´#)  or  (;`皿´)   or  ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ  haha



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