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こんにちは!Hey guys!

This is embarrassing but I only noticed now that the Thank-You video on Patreon was not available to watch.

So I made a new video to thank you for becoming my Patron.

When you have some time, please watch the video and answer the questions for me!
Also, feel free to ask me questions if you would like me to help construct some sentences. I'll be happy to help you :) 




Thank You for Supporting Me on Patreon ♡


Fred Fullarton

other beautiful words are sayonara ,anata wa, sona aida .ending in vowels so flowing so wonderful for chanting.

David S

1.高校でアジアのクラスを受けました。それから日本の興味が始まりました。2.発音を分かることはすごく難しいと思います。3. 日本語の文法は厭離的だとおもいます。4.おおきに!