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Hi There Welcome to My Patreon Page and Thanks alot for your Support!

Here I leave you some important information on how the page works.

* How to download the mods of my current tier ?

-Easy you only have to send me a Private Message or Direct Message , here to my patreon account but before you do that , make sure to read correctly the tier you subscribed to know the amount of mods you can request and the conditions.

* Very Important note if you are on Bronce or Silver Tier:

-The montly Skin pass are mostly sent to you around the 20th of each month , if you are subscribed to those 2 tiers before the release date of the skin pass arrives you have to contact me before the release date informing me , you don't want the skin pass but want to request skins of your preference. If you don't do I assume that you are interested in the monthly pass and therefore you will no longer be able to select past skin in that month after giving you the monthly skin pass. If you subscribe after the release date of the skin pass , you don't have to worry about about what i mentioned earlier you can freely select if you want the skin pass or select past skins.

If I subscribe in any Tier, can I request more skins the next month?

-Thats correct you can request each month after the page charges you.

3 , 5 and 10 , depending of the tier you subscribed.

*Are your mods Wifi -Safe ?

-Most of then are , Personally, I can't test them since I bought the switch I use for mods banned , but i will make you know if the mods is not wifi safe.

* Can you teach me how to create or help me out in creating my own mods?

- Sorry but no ,I not here to teach anyone , i just here to give you a service and help you out if you have any problems or questions related to the content of this patreon.

Added: 2023-10
Hi There Welcome to My Patreon Page and Thanks alot for your Support!

Q&A For most asked Questions.

* How to download the mods of my current tier ?
- Easy you only have to send me a Private Message or Direct Message , here to my patreon account.

This is to give you access to the skins of the month ,if you are on bronze or Silver Tier. If you are on Gold tier to the private message you are going to send me , add me a  list of the 3 skins you want ,so i can manually sent then over with the access to the skin of the month.

Important: Please keep in mind that I am only one person working both in the creation of the content and in attending to the messages of all the subscribers individually, so it can take me between 30 minutes and 24 hours to respond, depending on if I am online. On Saturdays I only work until 2:00 PM and Sundays are free so they would have to wait until Monday.

Do i get all the skin if i subscribe one time?
- In the past i used to work liike that but do to people not respecting the request of not redistributing the content , that option is no longer available. You can only get 3 older skin if you subscribe to gold.

How do i know what is available on this page ?
-To have a quick look of what is available on my page , in my Deviantart account , you can see a full organize gallery with my mods. 


But you probably will need a Deviantart account be capable of looking it.

* When will you release X skin?
-I am very happy that you are excited about the content I create, but please stop asking me or worse, pressuring me over private messages (When am I going to release X skin). Each skin will be released when I feel they are ready and no , i not releasing any mods withnot UI.

* Are your mods wifi safe ?

- I can't confirm 100% since the switch i use for modding was banned before i bought it, but from what users have reported me , they are wifi safe , the only not wifi safe right now
is Hylian Kazuya. Other includes some animations for a better look ingame , but they only desync replays, by deleting the animations in the motion folder this issue is solved.

* Do you take request?
- No.

*If I subscribe to your patreon , are you going to take my request.
- No , subscriptions is for the available content already made.

* I want to suggest this X concept.
- I often do polls for mods suggestions , but wait till i personally do it or ask for then , you going into my DMs, to "suggest" a mod concept feels to me like a subtle way to request me a mod.

* Can you teach me how to create or help me out in creating my own mods?
- Sorry but no ,I not here to teach anyone , i just here to give you a service and help you out if you have  any problems or questions related to the content of this patreon.

* Do you take Mod commissions ?
- Sometimes , I picky on what mods i accept to create as commissions , since my primary focus is doing 3D art commissions for E rated and Adult content.

I do not take commissions in which involves full model imports, I only like to do costumes for the cast in the game for me thats the best part of doing mods.

*What are your prices ?

- Is very hard to give an exact price withnot knowing the concept since every mods is diferent but i would say around 25$US to 300$US.

(Do not expect a cheap price to create a new model based on x concept, drawing etc...)

* I want you to port this X mods from smash 4.

- If it is one of my older mods , i not porting the older ones i currently in the oddysey on remaking alot of then or revamping the concept.
- If the mods is by other modder ask for them first. (And if they decline i still will not doing it in private).
- For this type of commissions , will it be public , probably , i did not make the model so is fair but mostly this type of commissioner don't commission an ingame accurate UI to go along with this mod port and not doing those for me feels wrong and crashes with my others mods artstyle so that means doing extra work and doing those kind of renders are exhausting with all the manual editing and drawing (At least in my case) i have to do, so at best i can release it , not so far after completion , at worst , just leave it in hands of the commissioner and my archives.

* Why so many Wips ?

-I tend to have many fleeting ideas and I like to capture them before I lose inspiration, since these are usually for characters that I have no attachment to,
but I say " Hey this suit would look good on this character. so i go on and do quick execution of the concept in a mod , then when i do the planifications of the content for
upcoming month , i look of what i have available and complete the mods, this way i can have skin releases on time and no rushing the development.

*How do I install a mod.

I honestly kinda shock everytime they ask me this , from my POV , you should first know how to run mods and make sure your switch can actually run then , before subscribing to any mod page that involves real life money. Look for tutorials on youtube.

I recomend this one by Manito: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z19fSjySjJM&t=569s
Added: 2023-01