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First, Ted Kaczynski's death and strange relationship to Will Hunting. Second, Trump indictment and the now-infamous bathroom photo




...ted k, if he died yesterday (6/11), died on my bday. (I turned 38 yesterday). Tim mcveigh was also put to death on on June 11th. looking good. racking em up


The Swedish accent 😂 not even close

Jack Gude

Gotta bury this one. Re: the public episode this week. I worry that some people find it distasteful or off putting when Tom wishes ill fortune upon the rich and powerful. I disagree. I love it. Our society venerates slavers and charlatans. People like those crypto bros should be publicly hanged drawn and quartered bc fuck em. They’re parasites. It’s unethical to sit here and let them consume the whole world.


The Guillotine is old hat. The new school will have the Extruder.


Growing up in New York we would always do shitty imitations of southern accents. I always wondered if people in the south did the same to us and what it would sound like. Thank you for this gift.