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Hey guys,

I'm really getting into this one. Sariel might be one of my favorites to work on recently. I'm drawing back on my results from Af, Angel of Anger to get a really surreal color palette. It's something I've always loved doing but I've had a hard time executing on regularly. Being able to get back to that and play in that space is feeling great. I can't wait to see how the final piece turns out.

Most people don't realize this, but Patreon's system makes the end of the month really important to creators. Since the billing falls along the lines of the calendar month, any project that charges on an odd interval has to make posts before the month ends in order to get paid the full amount. Since I'm not going to be able to work tomorrow, I'm marking this post in their system as though it were a finished piece. This is to make it so that you will be charged for two pieces in January and two pieces in February instead of one and three. This will make me accountable to play a little catch up to stay on schedule, which I'm happy to do. It's a little inside baseball to be sharing this, but I wanted to be transparent because it deals with the amount you'll be charged. Please let me know if you have any questions in the comments section.

Thanks as always!




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