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I'm finally getting some traction on this piece.Last night, I was going back and forth between color and value. Pushing large areas of light and dark around trying to get the color to splash across it in a way that was interesting and nothing was sticking. Between moments of clarity, there are these horrible troughs of existential dread. Long stretches of time where everything I think I know ceases to be true. It never stops being scary no matter how many times it subsides. So far, it's never failed to subside but the threat of me suddenly forgetting how to paint always seems to loom. In those moments, the knowledge that there are a few hundred people pledging to support the project is actually a great comfort to me. The Internet is a ficcal place, so having you guys to rely on means a lot.I'm going to get as far as I can with this piece in the next 2 days and make a paid post with the results of that work. If it's not done, I'll make sure to wrap it up




Actually seeing you coming up with your angel works gives me inspiration and motivation to get started to piece together my Characters as well, it's been quite a long time since I've touched a charcoal or rather drew something due to medical school. But great job man!!! It's good to see people like you out there creating massive epic works!