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Adding color to this one was real smooth. With the goal of this piece to strongly appeal to my own tastes, since it's sort of a aesthetic self portrait, I just leaned into a lot of color tropes that I'm always afraid of over using. Right now, I love painting gold. Same for bouncing blues against reds. The gold has become a consistent throughline for this series, so I'm thinking that rather than fear it's overused, that I should embrace it as a feature.

I was telling myself that I've made too many paintings at dawn/dusk, but I'm trying to get over that sort of thinking. All artists should paint to their tastes rather than inventing some abstract audience that they need to please. Over and over again, you guys have responded to my selfish creative urges, so I'm going to continue to be indulgent in the hopes it makes you as happy as it makes me.




Yes yes yes! This makes us very happy! We all come here because we are attracted to your tastes as well as your skills so don't hold back, my friend :)


Also, I save my Angelarium emails because I know something special awaits. Seeing your paintings makes me want to paint too. Every. Time. Granted... my angels look nothing like yours... but it's the spirit of the work that I'm drawn to, as well as the craft. It's the whole reason I bought both books for my own birthday present. Hopefully it will fuel some new and interesting ideas with my own angelic works! Thank you for sharing your gift!


I generally find that the artworks where I don't edit myself are the most well received. Keep doing what you're doing, it looks great!