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It had been some time since you last stepped into Vanaheimr.

Fortunately, the reason for your journey to this realm wasn’t to aid against some immensely powerful threat, but rather to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

…which you had done a few months ago in Askr, but befitting a world that was home to a time-traveling goddess, time worked a little differently in this realm and the new year was only just arriving… or was it the next year that was arriving sooner?

Regardless, an invitation from Seiðr wasn’t going to be declined. It may have taken longer than anticipated to arrive as she took the wrong route towards the gateway, but you were finally here, dressed up in attire appropriate for the occasion. Naturally, your outfit paled in comparison to your companion for the night. Seiðr’s kimono was specifically made for her, with colors and themes that matched her heritage and appearance.

“I must thank you again for agreeing to attend the festivities here in Vanaheimr, child of Midgard,” Seiðr offered her gratitude, though it wasn’t the first time she had expressed it.

The day she had asked the question, she had been a bit of a nervous wreck. Seiðr had worded the invitation clumsily, stating that she wished to be intimate with the mortal she had bestowed her revelation upon. Admittedly, it was partly your fault for interpreting the message that way, but she definitely could have chosen a better word. Upon noticing your blank stare, she hastily corrected herself, apologizing endlessly for her error.

Despite the slightly awkward atmosphere that resulted from that conversation (you weren’t exactly against the original interpretation, considering past events), you still accepted her proposal. In the end, why wouldn’t you want to enjoy some celebratory event with her? Seiðr was a beautiful goddess, and after all the ordeals she had gone through, she deserved to spend some quality time with the person who meant so much to her. It was fortunate that the individual in question wanted the same.

“No need to thank me,” you replied cheerfully, mesmerized by her smile and how adorable it was that she was trying to hide her giddiness behind a cloak of integrity. “I’m happy to be here with you, Seiðr.”

“Oh! W-Well, I am as well, child of Midgard, I-”

“Just call me the Summoner, Seiðr,” you suggested, for that was a role specific to you and you alone. Although it would have been nice to hear her say your actual name as well, there was a tendency for people to find it awkward to say in place of your title. “Will you be alright guiding me through the festival?”

“Well, of course,” Seiðr appreciated the change of topic, the compliments invoking too many nervous sparks for her to handle. “There is a lot to experience here in Vanaheimr during the New Year’s celebrations. As a goddess of this realm, I know precisely what to expect, and what sights you’ll specifically enjoy. I am confident you will have a wonderful time.”

Your question was more so directed toward her lack of direction than anything else, but getting lost in a festival wasn’t necessarily a bad thing; it could lead to the discovery of a secret stall that sold all the good food, or a fun adventurous game to play to earn a prize! Everyone was bound to have a good time.

Hopefully, she wouldn’t be the exception.

This was going to be Seiðr’s first time ringing in the new year without her sister by her side-- without Njörðr either, though that particular absence wasn’t going to bother her.

Heiðr was a victim of the Golden Curse-- the only sister who didn’t break free from its influence. Her demise was a traumatizing experience for Seiðr, and one she understandably wasn’t going to make peace with anytime soon. All things considered, Seiðr was handling the aftermath better than expected, though you suspected she was barely holding it together.

Vanaheimr’s festivities proved to be just about what you expected. Many of the games and food offered naturally differed, but they were all enjoyable. The celebrations had also called forth individuals from all the nine realms, including some familiar folks from Midgard. The Vanir weren’t high in number, so these numbers helped make the event feel like a true festival.

Since Njörðr’s death, Nerþuz had temporarily taken up his responsibilities, promising to bestow the title upon a worthy Vanir born from within the light of the realm-- whenever that was. It was due to her authority that others had been welcomed to this realm in the first place too. Seiðr was insistent on expressing her deepest gratitude for this, to which Nerþuz responded by teasing her about the special individual who had captured her heart.

You weren’t oblivious to who she meant by that. Seiðr was not great at hiding her crush. Although you did not share her feelings originally, it was difficult to claim otherwise after everything that had happened. Ironically, it wasn’t false to claim the two crushes had originated simultaneously.

When you had awakened in the past and were nursed back to health by Kvasir, you had fallen in love with her. Though fate had been unkind and she ultimately had to be slain, your feelings had not faltered, instead transitioning over to the person she had become-- Seiðr-- who was still very much alive… despite her past self being killed.

The paradox that was Seiðr’s existence was difficult to wrap your head around, but what mattered was that she had seemingly regained the memories she had lost during her youth. It had resulted in a fascinating chat; from her perspective, it had been eons ago, but to you, it was only a few months ago!

Although she recalled details regarding what had happened within that cave, she didn’t elaborate much. You couldn’t blame her for keeping her mouth shut. She had just remembered that the person she loved was somebody she had met in her youth all along, and most importantly, they were somebody she ended up having s-

“Summoner, may I have a word…?”

Phew. Your mind was going places there. Her interruption was much appreciated.

Seiðr had been greatly enjoying the festivities-- something that was magnificent to see. Heiðr’s absence was felt at times, but your presence was seemingly keeping her afloat, letting her focus on the present.

But now, she looked apprehensive about something, and her tone reflected that.

“What is it?”

You weren’t sure what had gotten to her, but you were going to do everything you could to resolve her turmoil. She had been having a terrific time so far-- you vowed to keep it that way.

“There is… a place I would like you to see.”

It was a simple request, though it was perplexing why she had asked it so anxiously.

Nevertheless, your answer was swift and simple. “Lead the way.”

Seiðr nodded, escorting you outside of the castle grounds that were hosting the celebrations. The surrounding region was a bizarre blend of desert, oases, and tropical jungles, but it was a gorgeous sight, especially under the night sky filled to the brim with stars. As befitting a realm blessed by light, it was still relatively to see despite the time of day. Seiðr’s destination did require some uphill trekking, but there was still plenty of time before midnight, so there was no need to rush.

Although she had a tendency to get lost, Seiðr had managed to successfully take you to the location she had in mind without making any mistakes. On the top of a hill overlooking the palace and festival was a small park. While it was pretty and offered some benches to sit down upon, it was clear the appeal of the location was the view. You could see why Seiðr wanted to take you here. It was out of the way as well, and the required journey meant it was unlikely anybody would disturb the peace and quiet…


“This place is important to me,” Seiðr revealed, sitting down and basking in the sights while she rested her body; she had done a good job journeying here in her kimono! You took your place by her side, basking in the beauty. “Would you like to guess why?”

A location like this was important to a goddess, hmm?

You imagined this being a place she’d visit whenever she needed some time alone.

Or perhaps it was the opposite of that; this was a place she’d visit with somebody she held dear.

“Did you used to come here with Heiðr?”

You felt a little guilty bringing her up, but if it were to encourage Seiðr to share happy memories about her sister, it would be worth it.

“I did,” she answered. “Every new year, in fact.”


It all made sense now.

Although Heiðr was gone and couldn’t accompany her, it wouldn’t feel right for Seiðr to abandon their tradition. Visiting this place on her lonesome wouldn’t do her any good either; she needed somebody to be by her side in case she needed comfort.

“But that’s not the only reason I wanted to bring you here, Summoner,” Seiðr’s next comment was unexpected, but it tickled your curiosity wonderfully. “Do you, uhm… ahhh-- I-I apologize… it is never easy… to bring that topic up…”

There was only one subject that could cause her to stutter like that.

During the conflict against Gullveig, Seiðr had taken you to one side to ask quite a daring question-- one that had left you immensely puzzled, amused, and intrigued.

“Would you create a child with me?”

Of course, Seiðr had been quick to iterate that she was not referring to the mortal form of conception. Instead, she had been tasked with performing a ritual with somebody she trusted and valued-- a ceremony that would someday create a new child of Vanaheimr.

Seiðr breathed heavily, doing her best to maintain her composure. After all that had happened, she still wanted to appear dignified and proper. “Do you recall how I mentioned that, someday, a child would appear within the light of Vanaheimr?”

“I do.”


…had that happened?!

Were you a father now?!

Well, you technically wouldn’t be. Supposedly, these children didn’t work like mortal children, but wouldn’t that child still technically be your child?

It was something you thought about every now and then. However, for the sake of your sanity, you had concluded that it was very plausible the results of that ritual wouldn’t bear fruit until many, many years in the future. You hadn’t dared ask for further details; you didn’t fancy being the stuttering mess for a change.

“This is where… I found Heiðr.”

Ah. Right. That made more sense.

It was no wonder they had become something akin to sisters; Seiðr had presumingly been the first person Heiðr had laid her eyes upon.

This was, for all intents and purposes, the location of her birth.

“I see.”

Seiðr sniffed, the recollection of that fateful day bringing forth all the bittersweet memories she had to the forefront of her mind. Though she had every reason to cry, she was managing to hold back the tears-- for now.

“She… was a lost child,” Seiðr continued. “Uncertain of her surroundings, and terrified about something she had seen but could not recall. Had I not been present, I know not what would have happened to her. I dread to even think about it...”

You nodded lightly, urging her to carry on.

“The point is-- I was there for Heiðr when her mother could not be, and so, whenever… our child… appears in this world, I would like nothing more than to be there for them as well.”

Our child.

The terminology wasn’t wrong, but it was still so odd to think about. At least her wording implied that the child had yet to appear. That was good! You were a little fearful she was building up towards a grand reveal. Frankly, you were not ready to be a father. Not yet, at least.

“But I do not know when that is,” Seiðr confessed. “It could be tomorrow, or a year from now, or even centuries.”

It could even take centuries…? You honestly hadn’t even considered that, but it did make sense; the Vanir were low in number for a reason.

You weren’t sure what to think about that.

Therefore, you focused on something fascinating you had noticed about Seiðr’s last comment. She sounded saddened at the idea  that the child could be so far away. Then again, you were too! Just because you weren’t ready to be a father yet didn’t mean you wouldn’t be eventually, but you were at least hopeful you would be around to meet your ritual-born child, as strange as it would be too.

Goodness, this conversation was going places.

You weren’t even dating.

But this was Seiðr. The connection you had to her was unorthodox, but it was real. The time you had spent with her-- as both Kvasir and Seiðr-- was invaluable. The desire for something more was there, but the timing had never been right. The wounds inflicted by Gullveig remained, and only time would heal those. Once that moment arrived, you would consider pursuing something more, but for now, you were content with the relationship you had.

“Summoner…” Seiðr mumbled, looking at you with slanted eyes and a flustered expression. Where had that come from? “I… I would like to make an unusual request, though I fear it is quite selfish of me to ask…”

“You won’t know for sure unless you ask.”

Considering this was Seiðr, you braced yourself for something ridiculous yet bizarrely fascinating.

“You might not be around when the light of Vanaheimr brings this child into existence…” she started. “B-But… I would love for you to be a f-father, so perhaps… you would consider c-creating one, the same way mortals do…?”


That was a very bold thing of her to ask, and yet… that was precisely something she’d do! This goddess needed to learn how to word her sentences better! Where was all this confidence coming from, anyway? It was like she had multiple voices in her head encouraging her to say such ridiculous things or something.



It was time to think.

Seiðr’s heart was in the right place! She was feeling bad about the prospect of you missing out on her fatherhood due to the uncertainty of the unborn child’s, well, birth. That was why she was making this suggestion! She was just being considerate! She was also a goddess and not a mortal, so she wouldn’t understand how unbelievable of a request that was. Probably.

But you weren’t exactly one to judge, considering you had sex with her when she was Kvasir.

Well, there was the whole “she wants to be impregnated” part, but…

…nine months would probably be an ample time to get used to the prospect of fatherhood.

She was also insanely attractive.

Kvasir was petite, and while that was sexy in its own way, she had blossomed into a beauty! Although you had made an effort not to stare, the kimono highlighted her large breasts and her fat ass wonderfully.

Oh, good. You were thinking with your dick.


Seiðr was looking at you with longing eyes, doubtlessly desiring the intimate acts that resulted in a child. Maybe that earlier ‘mistake’ where she expressed her wish to be intimate with you hadn’t been a mistake after all.

Regardless, you just couldn’t say no to that face.

“...under one condition.”


“I-Is this okay…?”

Seiðr had undone part of her kimono-- enough to completely release her breasts. She was currently on her knees in front of your legs, smothering your cock within the warmth of her bosom.

This had been your condition.

If she wanted to have baby-making sex, that was fine-- but you wanted to have a little fun and enjoy how much she had grown. Her ass had always been fat, but the same couldn’t be said about her chest.

“This is more than okay,” you reassured her, dispelling her uncertainty. “It feels incredible.”

It really did. The attire she wore was tight against her chest, so not only did freeing them feel extremely satisfying for her, but they were also hot and sweaty. In other words, it was the perfect environment for an eager cock to rest within.

Seiðr was understandably a little uncertain about what to do, but she wasn’t completely clueless. She understood that keeping your manhood submerged within her chest was the main objective, and to make you feel really good, she had to do that while moving her tits up and down rhythmically. The how part was what she struggled with, especially when it came to the pacing.

But truthfully, you didn’t mind. Just being able to experience this smoldering sensation was enough, and besides, she looked very cute doing something like this. Incredibly sexy too-- the size of her tits was no joke; this girl really had grown so much! To some extent, you missed when she was practically flat, but on the other hand, you were thankful you were able to experience what she used to be like at all.

“Use your mouth,” you offered further instruction, curious to see how much skill she had retained. Seiðr lightly nodded, tilting her head down and pushing her breasts apart slightly, letting the tip of your cock emerge from her cleavage. She was just about to envelop your glans with her tongue, and after adjusting her position a little, she was able to take it into her humid mouth too.

Although Seiðr had changed so much, the temperature of her mouth was the same as you remembered it being. Despite it being months ago from your perspective, there was just no way you were going to forget how you had been treated to what was around almost three months of daily blowjobs. To experience that feeling once more was as phenomenal as it was nostalgic, especially when Seiðr demonstrated that she had indeed maintained her experience with cocksucking.

Paired with the new sensation that was the titfuck, it was an extraordinary experience. You could tell Seiðr was enjoying this too despite her bashfulness. There was no doubt that similar rushes of nostalgia were fueling her efforts, keeping her afloat while she worked towards granting you the release you desperately desired.

You weren’t surprised in the slightest to feel that release building up sooner than expected.

“Seiðr”, you called out to her, her acknowledging hum delayed due to her being very into the fellatio. That too, was nostalgic. “I’m about to cum.”

Seiðr hummed again, backing away from your cock to respond, though she did so reluctantly. “A-Ahhh… it has been… quite some time for me…”

“Do you miss the taste?”

“I do…”

Kvasir rarely answered lewd questions like that, so to hear such honesty from Seiðr was refreshing.

“Then keep going.”

Seiðr nodded and gobbled up your cock immediately, sucking as much as she could while her breasts danced around your cock, surrounding your manhood in two extraordinary forms of pleasure that you just couldn’t handle anymore.

The goddess’s eyes widened when the first rope of cum hit the roof of her mouth, but she managed to keep herself composed, sucking valiantly and enthusiastically. If there was one thing that hadn’t changed, it was her desire to swallow everything you had to offer. Ultimately, she succeeded, even after you let out what felt like a good week’s worth of semen.

When Seiðr finally pulled away, she wore the most beautiful expression; her eyes were barely open, her mouth was open and drooling, and her blush was bright. As your cock was still enveloped by her breasts, it led to a breathtaking sight that you wished could have lasted longer.

But a certain somebody was quick to remind you that this was only the beginning. Seiðr stood up, discarding the rest of her kimono hastily, not caring for the cooler air tickling her skin. She could handle a little chill, especially when she was about to be warmed up very soon.

Seiðr took her place on the bench, spreading her legs and showing you how soaked she was. For somebody who was typically so bashful in your presence, she had seemingly forgotten that detail. Her shame was gone.

It was a good thing you could last multiple rounds. Ironically, it was Kvasir who had strengthened your libido dramatically. It was thrilling to discover Seiðr was just as deprived. How long had she been holding back like this? No matter the answer, she no longer had to wait.

“Summoner… please…” Seiðr begged. “Just like old times…”

“I can’t believe I’ve already taken your virginity.”

It was an amusing observation. Seiðr looked similar to Kvasir, yet so different. Sometimes, it was just hard to wrap your head around the fact they were the same.

“That’s good,” she said. “That means it will not hurt-- so you can pound me sooner.”

You no longer had any doubts. This girl really wanted to have sex. The father thing was probably genuine, but there was definitely an ulterior motive involved here.

Once again, it was welcomingly familiar.

Seiðr cooed upon feeling your cock brush up against her folds, the intersection alone enough to invoke so much pleasure. She didn’t have to wait much longer for more, not hesitating in the slightest to plunge your cock deep inside her. Unsurprisingly, her pussy was completely accepting of your cock, squeezing it fiercely as you pushed up against her womb’s entrance.

“That’s it…”

Urged by her positive reaction, you started to move your hips, using her boobs as support for your movement. It took a while to build up a rhythm since you hadn’t exactly fucked somebody on a bench before, but you made it work. Seiðr cried out with joy, her volume increasing to levels you were very familiar with. Fortunately, just like in that cave, there was no need to worry about her volume when so far from civilization.

If there was one thing that wasn’t familiar, it was the absurd warmth of Seiðr’s insides. Her pussy was considerably hotter than you recalled it being, something you attributed to the substantial time it had been since it had last been filled up with a cock.

Though you weren’t sure about the precise time, you were committed to making the wait worth it. You pounded her pussy remorselessly, focusing entirely on maintaining your pacing. It was difficult, but hearing her moan endlessly into your ear made the whole ordeal easier than it would have been otherwise.


“Please… cum inside me…!” she begged. “Just like you used to…!”

It had been a miracle she hadn’t gotten pregnant back then. Were Vanir goddesses naturally challenging to impregnate?

You hoped so.

It meant you would need to have a lot of sex with her… which admittedly, you were probably going to do anyway.

Seiðr started to tighten up frantically, her walls squeezing you with such a strong force that it almost broke the rhythm you had built up. Her subsequent screams of satisfaction confirmed your suspicions; she had reached her climax, and so soon, too!

But was it any wonder? She had begged you to cum inside her. She knew you were going to do it too!

Despite trying your hardest to withstand how incredible her orgasm made you feel, you weren’t able to hold back any longer. It was going to be a sooner finish than expected, but you had already established that this beautiful goddess needed to be creampied many times. Even if she didn’t, it wasn’t unprecedented to think she’d beg for it anyway.

With one final thrust, you buried your cock inside her snatch one last time, euphoria radiating through your body as you relished in the feeling of cumming inside a goddess once again. Seiðr wrapped her legs around your back, pulling you in to make sure not even a single drop leaked from her pussy. She wanted it all.

Only when she was convinced everything was safely inside her did she finally let go, allowing you to pull back and breathe.

Seiðr looked beautiful. She was still riding the high of her orgasm, and to perfect the picture that was her fucked naked body, so much cum was leaking out of her pussy.

…so much for keeping it all in, but she didn’t seem to notice. You opted to keep quiet, wanting to enjoy the erotic sight for as long as you could.

“Well,” you spoke up, still sounding a little out of it, but you didn’t mind. “That was a pleasantly familiar experience.”

“It was,” Seiðr agreed, her tone suggesting she was barely conscious but very satisfied. “You’ve made us very happy.”


“A-Ahh, s-sorry, I meant I,” Seiðr jolted awake, hastily correcting herself, though you weren’t sure why the error had gotten her this flustered. “Forget what I said… we still have some time before midnight, so do you think we could…?”

Another opportunity to fill up her pussy with the semen it craved, hmm?

“I thought you’d never ask.”


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