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“...y-you wanted to speak with me…?”

“Indeed. Come on in.”

For somebody under a lot of suspicion, this new girl wasn’t doing herself any favors with her skittishness.

Ratatoskr was her name, and she was the latest addition to the Order of Heroes, albeit an unorthodox one. Her claim to fame was attempting to assassinate Alfonse, and ultimately deciding that she couldn’t follow through with her mission. It was a bizarre set of events!

It set up a situation where she would play the role of a double agent… or was it a triple agent… or maybe even a quadruple agent? Nonetheless, her goal was to save her sisters. To do so, she had to work both for and against them.

Although Ratatoskr’s intel had proven valuable, you were not convinced she could be trusted. Accurate information may have been provided so far, but what if it was all an elaborate ploy? It wouldn’t be the first time someone had been playing for the other side, even if that was a situation where the individual in question eventually returned to the Order of Heroes.

You knew you were being a little too cautious, but somebody had to be! Deep down, you wanted to trust her-- you really did! It didn’t seem right that everybody else had placed their faith in her while you couldn’t. You trusted them as individuals, so why weren’t you trusting their judgment too?

In the end, you decided that it was time for a little interrogation.

Ratatoskr’s tale had been memorized. Several questions had been prepared regarding her origin. All she had to do was answer them accurately without any discrepancies.

If she could do that, you would at least consider granting her the benefit of the doubt.

However, she wasn’t off to a great start. Upon being asked earlier in the day whether she was willing to meet with you in private, she had reacted in a bizarre manner.

…as if she understood during that very moment that she had failed to fool you with her adorable appearance and mannerisms!

Be that as it may, she had still arrived at your quarters as instructed. That was worth something.

“Take a seat,” you patted the side of your bed, beckoning her over.

The staging area for this questioning was your personal quarters. Although you certainly could have taken her to a more appropriate location for an investigation like this, you didn’t want to risk any outside interference that could alter your judgment. This was going to be a one-on-one conversation.

Ratatoskr did as she was told, albeit a little hesitatingly. That was grounds for suspicion, though she was admittedly like this with everybody from what you had observed.

“Ratatoskr,” you said firmly. “Do you know why I’ve called you here?”

“Uhm, I… think so…” she mumbled, her nervousness prominently on display. She clutched her tail, breathing a little uneasily, doubtlessly understanding this wasn’t going to be a friendly chat.

This was something she did whenever she was put under pressure.

More importantly, It was a dangerous form of manipulation.

However, you were not going to be influenced by how it enhanced her cuteness by an astronomical amount!

Others had unfortunately fallen for the ruse, though you couldn’t blame them. From their perspective, something that looked so endearing couldn’t secretly be working against the Order of Heroes!

“I’ve done my research on the Healing Hands,” you initiated the interrogation, setting the stage for her fate. “For that reason, I have some questions for you, and I want you to answer them truthfully.”

“...I s-see…” she spoke quietly. “Then… it is as I thought… I do know why I’m here…”

Ratatoskr breathed heavily, the grip around her tail tightened as her anxiety amplified. Unluckily for her, the scheming strategies she relied on weren’t going to save her today.

“Good,” you were grateful she had recognized the severity of the situation. “The first question should be simple for you to answer. I want you to explain Hræsvelgr’s role in the Healing Hands. Provide all the information you can.”

For this first section of the test, she had to precisely share details regarding the members of the Healing Hands and their responsibilities when the organization was still working predominantly as healers. It was all information she had shared before. What was important was whether or not she could keep her stores consistent! That way, you would know whether she had told lies.

The revelation that even a single lie had been shared would be enough to confirm she was not to be trusted. It wouldn’t matter that everything else had been accurate and true. It was a harsh mindset, but it was imperative for the safety of everybody you cared for.

Bizarrely, Ratatoskr seemed to… relax… upon hearing what you had to say.

…was this a secret strategy of hers? A means to cause confusion and chaos?

“I…” Ratatoskr began, closing her mouth momentarily so she could think about how to articulate her thoughts. Once mentally ready, she took a deep breath and continued. “I, uhm… was expecting you to a-ask… a d-different question…”

Dodging the question with an off-topic remark, hmm?

If that was the game she wanted to play, then so be it. There was no harm in playing along for a bit.

“What were you expecting me to ask, Ratatoskr?”

Ratatoskr’s nerves returned with a vengeance, as indicated by a fidgeting expression and a wagging tail that she once again held with a strong grasp to keep it still.

That tail of hers… it did have a mind of its own like that ordinarily, right? You could have sworn it didn’t move around a whole lot.

Right now, it was attempting to dance back and forth, as if she was an excited puppy.

“I, uhm…” Ratatoskr sounded continuously quiet, though she didn’t seem to be panicking like she usually did. It was bizarre-- and making you nervous. Was this what she did to people who were catching onto her antics?! “Y-You mentioned you had done research… on the Healing Hands… so, uhm… I figured you wanted… that…”


Ratatoskr gazed at you, looking especially distressed… and oddly enough, very flustered.

She swallowed, breathed heavily, and finally found the courage to answer.

“...s-sexual healing…”


“I-It’s a service Níðhöggr p-provides,” Ratatoskr elaborated. “I-I have l-learned about it, b-but I haven’t had the opportunity to, uhm, d-do it… but I’ve… always been c-curious, so…”


You had not expected to hear that.

This was a trick, wasn’t it? An elaborate stratagem to make you lower your guard so she could strike you when you least expected it!

Or maybe… she would actually follow through with it, satisfying you so she could influence your mind into thinking she was somebody that could be trusted!

The thought of Ratatoskr-- an adorable girl-- doing something lewd…

…it was a shockingly pleasant thought.


No, no, no!

This was her game plan! She had you wrapped around her finger!

You were not going to give in! Nope! Not. At. All!

“...d-do you want me to…?”

It was becoming increasingly difficult to think rationally.


You were actually considering this-- and that was terrifying.

It had been stressful lately-- from the Embla conflict, to a time-manipulating goddess causing havoc, and now this-- it was no wonder.

…and she looked so curious and eager too!


There was a non-zero chance this would be a regretful decision in the long-term, but absolutely not in the short-term.

Ratatoskr nodded, sighing with relief that you had accepted her proposal. She still seemed a little jittery, but she had great curiosity and enthusiasm for what she was about to do. That was why she promptly took her place between your legs, landing on her knees and gazing up at you earnestly.

…this was really happening, wasn’t it?

There was no going back now-- just watching her get on her knees like that was enough to make you maddeningly erect, and frankly, it was always uncomfortable to feel that way whenever clothed.

So you discarded everything below your waist hastily, revealing what Ratatoskr would be focusing on healing today.

The only question that remained was a simple but pleasant one-- how good was her medicine?

Ratatoskr breathed uneasily once your manhood sprung into view, the view and size undeniably intimidating her, but she didn’t allow that sensation to consume her. She instead reached out with a quivering hand, grasping a cock for the first time. Her fingers were barely able to wrap around your length, but it was a wonderful highlight of the size difference that strengthened your arousal.

“I-I’ve, ah… never done this before…” she spoke apprehensively, her expression reflecting that-- but not her tail. It was fluttering even fiercer than before! “So… be patient with me, okay!”

“I will be a good patient.”

This was what this was all about, after all. You had a problem down below, and to cure it, she had to give you a healing hand!

You would have found your joke more amusing if you weren’t immediately distracted by Ratatoskr starting to move her hand. Her motions were slow at first, but once she noticed how positively you were reacting, she promptly sped up.

It was a surreal sight. Mere minutes ago, you thought this girl was nothing but suspicious!

…and here she was, doing something… well, arguably still suspicious-- but in a good way! You were very thankful you had taken her to your room instead of somewhere else. It was possible that the chosen setting had given her the impression you needed this type of treatment.

Ratatoskr’s hand was immensely soft against your sensitive shaft. Its warmth was immense, and though you were feeling hot and bothered too, the temperature difference enhanced the pleasurable sensations being invoked by her actions.

She had already dispatched any doubts or nerves she had quickly, focusing entirely on making you feel good. Her smile-- and the slight drool emerging from her lips-- indicated she was having a wonderful time too. The best part? She was still speeding up. It was a slow procedure, but you were glad for the gradual acceleration. Your mind hadn’t quite wrapped around the idea that a woman would be pleasing you at all today, so to be eased into it was appreciated.

All in all, it was very good… and because of that, you were a bit terrified.

If she was already making you feel this good, you weren’t confident you could withstand the pleasure once she started using her mouth-- assuming she would, of course. There was always a good chance she’d-

Ratatoskr surprised you when she suddenly lunged at your cock, smothering whatever she could with her greedy tongue. She hummed radiantly, showing no shame even as her licks transitioned into wet, sloppy kisses. You had no idea what had awakened inside of her, but goodness-- you were all for it!

Her tail was wagging maddeningly fast too, making you ponder whether it could be used to gauge her arousal. The thought was brief, however-- the devotion this girl was giving your cock was exhilaratingly distracting.

Ratatoskr slowly worked her way down your shaft, her licks and kisses lacking any sort of rhythm. She was relying on nothing but sexual instinct, but the messiness was extraordinarily erotic. Most of your manhood had already been covered in her saliva, the subsequent shimmer coating your erection a joy to look at.

It was becoming increasingly clear why Ratatoskr was working her way down. She may have given your cock the medicine it needed to get better, but the same couldn’t be said about your balls-- not yet, at least. Ratatoskr soon buried her nose and tongue in your nuts, relishing in the scent and taste. Though she was intoxicated by lust, she was thankfully aware enough to understand they needed to be treated delicately, exercising just enough enthusiasm to keep her high maintained while preventing any discomfort on your end. On top of all that, she was still able to keep your dick pleasured with her hand.

She was inconceivably good at what she was doing. Was this really the first time she was doing something like this? If so, she was a natural.

Everything this surprisingly naughty girl was doing had led to a spectacular view. Her wagging tail was admittedly distracting, but you were miraculously able to keep your eyes focused on what she was doing with that marvelous mouth of hers. You held no resentment towards the fluffiness-- not when you knew specifically what had caused it to act so wildly in the first place.

The sounds she was making while she enjoyed her exotic meal were far from dignified, but that was precisely what made her sound erotic. Ratatoskr’s personality was certainly not refined to begin with, but this level of degenerate commitment wasn’t something you’d expect from her regardless.

Was this her way of telling you that she was trustworthy? Why else would she be borderline worshipping your member like this?

“It’s thhaasstteesss ssssoooo goooood…” Ratatoskr’s voice was tainted by her cravings, her tone drastically different from the stutters you were used to hearing.

Though her mouth had been buried in your balls for quite some time now, she decided she had finished smothering them in saliva. Her tongue returned to your cock, trailing upwards excitedly and impatiently as no straight lines were made. She paused only when she reached the peak, briefly flickering her eyes up at you to check your expression. During that moment, you witnessed the depravity in those partially closed eyes of hers.

This was something she had been wanting to do for a long time, but she had held back, assumingly wanting to focus on saving her sisters and aiding the Order of Heroes.

Everyone had their limits though. Misunderstanding the reason why you wanted to chat was hers. You could only begin to imagine what she had been thinking when you spoke to her so seriously earlier in the day!

Ratatoskr resumed her worship, transitioning it into a proper blowjob by taking your member into her compact mouth. For someone so petite, she was able to gobble up a surprising amount within a matter of seconds. Ultimately, however, she was reminded that she was inexperienced when she took in a little too much. Fortunately, she reacted swiftly and avoided any gagging, concluding that she was able to handle about half your manhood without any issues. You hoped she was satisfied with the amount. You definitely were.

Frankly, you were just happy that she was doing this at all. A cute girl was on her knees between her legs tending to your cock! What more could you ask for?

Having mentally prepared herself for what she was about to do, Ratatoskr started to bob her head back and forth. Her movements were understandably tame at first, and while that felt a little teasing, you knew it was necessary from her perspective. There was doubtlessly a lot to handle and sensations to adjust to that not even diligent research could prepare her for, but she was doing a good job all things considered! Besides, Ratatoskr was seemingly quick at adapting to new things; she was soon accelerating very quickly.

You knew she was taking this more seriously once she closed her eyes, focusing on nothing but giving you the best head anyone could ask for. The sharp sparks of pleasure spiraling throughout your body were a reminder that she was a healer for a reason; she knew how to cleanse pain, and in a way, wasn’t the immense desire for sexual relief an abstract form of it?

“You’re doing great, Ratatoskr…”

It felt right to give her some positive feedback-- aside from the quivering and groaning she was invoking from you, of course. She hummed approvingly, acknowledging what you had to say without doing anything that would disrupt the flow she had built up. This girl was not going to back away just to give her thanks-- not when the injury was supposedly so bad that she had to treat it with such ferocity! Ratatoskr wasn’t just giving you medicine; she was operating on your body with her humid mouth, and the surgery was working.

A feeling akin to dizziness spreading its wings throughout your body was a sign that you were reaching your limits. You grasped your bed sheets firmly, leaning back and completely embracing the amazing blowjob this girl was giving you.

It was insanely good, but progressively difficult to comprehend. There was such a thing as pleasure being too good, and that sensation reached its strongest form once you could no longer take any more. You erupted into her mouth, forsaking any attempt to warn her simply because you couldn’t.

Ratatoskr was surprised by the sudden load swarming into her mouth, her humming increasing in volume.

But she did not back away-- not initially, at least. She did her best to take in everything you had to offer, perhaps considering your seed a medicine for her lust as well. Though she stared off strongly and was able to swallow a lot, she wasn’t able to keep up with the quantity and had no choice but to pull back, leaving the last few ropes of cum to splash against her flustered face.

Though you would have loved to see her swallow it all, seeing how beautiful she looked stained with your semen was the next best thing. Ratatoskr was breathing loudly, the intensity too much for her lungs to handle, but she was recuperating hastily.

“...Ratatoskr…” you called out to her, sounding just as dazzled yourself. “That was… incredible…”

The Divine Beast looked up at you, still panting vigorously, but it was clear she wanted to respond sooner rather than later.

“You tasted… so gooooood…” she confessed joyfully, but that emotion did not linger. “That… I… c-can’t believe… I just… just… aaahh… aaaahhh!!”

Ratatoskr’s trance had faded promptly without warning. She grasped her tail quickly, using it to hide her face in shame.

“N-Níðhöggr t-told me this c-could happen…!” she squealed frustratingly. “S-Said it was e-easy to get carried away…!!”

It seemed the Healing Hands shared a fascinating trait.

“Ratatoskr,” you called out to her, placing your hand on her crown. Though her face was hidden, her tail couldn’t hide everything. “That was amazing. Thank you.”

The positive reinforcement worked instantaneously. Ratatoskr moved her tail slightly out of the way, revealing her face partially. Her blush was the brightest it had ever been… and it was very cute.

“D-Do you… uhm… mean that? Y-You’re not just… saying that, right?”

“I do mean it,” you reassured her, and just to make sure she was on the same page, you decided to confess your secret. “Truth be told, I brought you here because I wanted to question you about your loyalty. But after that… well, I think I can trust you now. I’m sorry I didn’t before.”

She had charmed you just like she did all the others. It had taken more work on her end, but she had succeeded. How could it not have? She had given you a magnificent blowjob.

Ratatoskr looked understandably shocked at your confession, realizing that she had massively misunderstood your intentions. She started to stutter confusingly, unable to form comprehensible words, making you ponder whether or not it had been the right time to say such a thing. Fortunately, hugging her tail seemed to keep her anxiety in check.

Once she had calmed down, she asked something unusual.

“...A-Are you sure you trust me…?”

“...Huh? What do you mean?”

Ratatoskr released her tail, and almost immediately you realized it was wagging excitedly again.

“I… c-can prove my loyalty,” she elaborated. “B-By… going further with you…”

That… wasn’t necessary at all. You trusted her wholeheartedly.

But those were just your thoughts, and you did not speak them purposefully, for her flustered expression told quite a tale-- as did her tail, naturally.

Ratatoskr asking to further prove her loyalty was a ruse. She knew you trusted her now. You had admitted it!

She simply wanted more, but lacked the confidence to directly ask for it.

To some extent, she was misleading you about her intentions… but you could let her off the hook, just this once.

“Hmm,” you pretended to contemplate her proposal. The answer was obvious, but you enjoyed seeing her watch you with bated breath like that. In the end, you decided it was a little cruel to tease, especially when you wanted what she desired too. “Alright then. I think I want to see you prove without a doubt just how loyal you are to our cause, Ratatoskr.”

“Y-Yes!” she responded positively and very enthusiastically. “U-Uhm, w-what would you like me to do…?”

Would she be willing to do… anything you wanted?


There was something you were curious about.

“Show me your body, first and foremost,” you gave her the first instruction.

Ratatoskr nodded slowly, the order unquestionably making her feel a little hesitant due to embarrassment, but she knew this was a necessity. She stood up, gradually discarding everything she was wearing. Naturally, she didn’t look at you at all during this procedure, understanding it wouldn’t do her nervousness any good.

But she had to look at you eventually, and when she did, you made it your mission to reassure her all was well.

“You look beautiful.”

It wasn’t a lie! She truly did! Sure, she was hiding most of her body with her fluffy tail now, but you momentarily got to gaze at her small breasts and her curves.

“D-Do you, uhm, really think that?” she questioned.

“I do,” you told her. “But if you would rather I not look at you, how about we pick a position where you won’t be able to see me at all?”

It just so happened that the position you had in mind would benefit her and let you indulge in that fascinating idea you had.

“A-Alright, uhm, w-where do you want me…?” she asked sheepishly. “I, uhm, should be the one instructing you, as I’m the healer, but… well…”

“It’s alright, don’t worry,” you remained positive. “I want you on all fours. Is that okay?”

Ratatoskr was doubtlessly excited about doing more, though it was becoming increasingly evident she was especially prone to uncertainty at the moment. Constantly asking her questions like this did slow things a tad, but it helped keep her sane.

It would all be worth it in the end. Once she entered that incredible trance again, you wouldn’t have to worry about talking at all.

“Y-Yes, of course.”

Ratatoskr did as she was told, finally letting you glimpse at her rear end. Although she had a surprisingly nice ass for a petite girl, that wasn’t actually the focus of your gaze; it was what was right above it. Ratatoskr’s tail was the target of your affections, for if you were going to have fun with a squirrel girl, it made sense to enjoy their unique traits!

…she was a squirrel girl, right? She looked like one, but she was called Ratatoskr.

Well, it didn’t matter. You were going to fuck her either way!

Ratatoskr shivered once you got into position behind her, the knowledge of what was about to commence unnerving her.

Not by much, of course. Her tail didn’t slow down much at all.

Speaking of which, getting into position was tough because of it! It was a large fluffy mess, but upon realizing you could just let it envelop your body, all was swell.

It felt good. Not in a sexual way, of course, but it was very comforting.

A little distracting, too! It almost made you forget there was a drenched pussy desperate to be filled up by a cock, and that was no joke, either! Ratatoskr was soaked, the anticipation and the earlier blowjob doubtlessly contributing to her current condition. It was honestly a miracle you were able to push your cock up against it considering you were essentially blinded by her tail, but you weren’t going to whine about being lucky.

Ratatoskr quivered upon feeling your dick press up against her, but she did her best to remain composed as she could. You debated whether to warn her that this could hurt a little, but you trusted that this was information she knew and that she could handle herself too. Indeed, she groaned a little once you felt your cock enter her insides, but she handled the pressure well.

You, however, could not. She was tight and hot-- incredible sensations on their own, but the mixture was almost too much for your sensitive manhood. Be that as it may, you did your best to remain sane, and considering there was a tail dancing across your face, it wasn’t as difficult as you expected.

Any discomfort your lover experienced was short-lived. Ratatoskr was humming joyfully, the sensation of being filled up something she was immensely enjoying. In the end, she was able to take everything you had to offer, allowing you to bask in her warmth, albeit only momentarily. Ratatoskr was an impatient little critter, deciding she didn’t want you remaining stationary any longer. She started to move her hips on her own, moving your cock inside her pussy through her own efforts alone.

Had she entered that intoxicated trance again? It sure seemed that way.

But this position wasn’t built for the girl on her hands and knees to have all the fun! Taking hold of her hips, you fought back against her advances, slamming your hips forward and pushing up strongly against the entrance to her womb. Ratatoskr gasped in shock, but it was by no means an unpleasant exhale.

She did her best to move her body in sync with yours, but she proved to be especially weak to your cock pushing into her deepest parts. With time, her cadence was completely decimated, leaving her at your mercy. Since her tail was still as spirited as ever, if not more so than usual, it was a wonderful communication of her adoration. It was fortunate, since she wasn’t in a position to say it amidst all that moaning.

Satisfied this adorable girl wanted nothing more than a firm and fast fucking, you gave her just that, speeding up dramatically. You did not hesitate one bit, not even sparing a thought for whether or not she could handle the pressure.

Because either she could, and that was great-- or she couldn’t, and that was also great.

Ratatoskr was a moaning mess by this point, unable to let out anything comprehensible.

But it was fine that she couldn’t speak; her body was doing all the talking in her place. Her pussy was beginning to tighten up dramatically around your cock, and although the subsequent compactness was nothing to scoff at, it did little to hinder your thrusts. Ratatoskr had completely succumbed to the pleasure she had been craving, and since you figured she had been waiting quite a while for this, you were committed to maintaining your pace until the very end.

That end was approaching sooner than expected. You had done well to avoid letting the humidity of her insides overwhelm you, but there was only so much your cock could withstand before it needed to release.

But you didn’t mind a quick finish-- not when you could claim that you still needed some convincing… assuming she didn’t beat you to the punch, of course! In the meantime, you maintained your cadence as best as you could, pushing deep inside her and nudging against her cervix consistently. Each thrust somehow enhanced how hot her insides were, and eventually, the heat was starting to become unbearable.

Unbearably good, of course.

Ratatoskr’s pussy was the perfect fit for your dick; she was able to take in everything despite being so tight, invoking bliss so grand that you wondered if it could form an addiction. It was plausible to believe that she was experiencing similar sensations, and truth be told, you had a suspicion she was already addicted to your cock.

Pleasure was a boundless feeling, but it could only be handled for so long. Ratatoskr was the first to reach her climax, tightening up even more as she screamed out in joy, her voice cackling. Her tail fascinatingly stopped during her climax, as if she could spare no more energy for its movement.

You reached your peak not long after, the increased compactness and the knowledge that you had made her cum bringing you over the edge as well. With one final thrust, you let out everything you had left inside her pussy, not even contemplating pulling out. Was it a risky maneuver? Certainly.

But it was so hard to care when it felt so good filling up her insides with your seed. Besides, was her acceptance of a creampie not further proof of her loyalty?

The realization about what you had done dawned shortly after you pulled out. Ratatoskr collapsed onto the bed, unable to sustain being on all fours after being fucked so hard.

“Ratatoskr, I… sorry, I got carried away there.”

You had really done it now! That was a potential enemy you had, well, potentially impregnated.

Yet, at the same time, you just couldn’t consider her anything but an ally after that. There was no way somebody still working for the enemy would let you do that, surely?

“W-What? I, uhm, I--- aaaahhhh!!”

Ratatosrk had awakened from her trance, hastily standing up and once again hiding her face in shame. However, her tail couldn’t do a whole lot to hide the cum flowing out of her pussy and down her legs.

You should have pulled out. Now things were going to be awkward.

“Uhm, I…” she mumbled, doubtlessly about to scold you for what you had done. “D-Don’t worry, I’m a healer, so, uhm, I know how to a-avoid that, if you, uhm, want to.”

…was that an offer?

Before you could contemplate what she truly meant by that, you noticed she was fidgeting rather strangely.

“...y-you know, I’m, ah… not sure if I have p-proven that I’m, ah… l-loyal yet, so…”

You scoffed amusingly.

She had beaten you to the punch, after all!


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