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Hi everyone,

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Since August, I've been taking a break from my Patreon, but now, I can announce that I will be returning in December! 

Before I get into the nitty-gritty details, I do have some important news to share.



I have decided to drop the Platinum Tier. The reason for this is that I've basically identified it as a major reason why I fell so behind on fics. It amplified my schedule by a LOT! A new story each month by default, plus any stories requested by the pledgers. It added up quickly! I thought I could handle it, and at the start, I was able to do it... but then I wasn't able to do it.

For the Platinum Tier pledgers here, thank you so much. Although I wasn't able to keep up with it in the end, I am very grateful for the immense support you provided. Rest assured, you will still be able to use whatever remaining words you have, though I do ask for some patience in regard to getting the remaining stories done. This is the one area I admittedly haven't really caught up on, but it will be a priority! 

I will still have one final Platinum Tier poll due to there not being one in July. I will use the last story request sent to me by the Platinum Tier pledgers, but you have a week to change it to something else if you wish! Just DM me what you'd like to see!

Lastly, if you are a Platinum Tier pledger, I ask that you use this time before the start of December to downgrade to a lower tier. I am not sure what happens when I delete a tier, so best to be safe rather than sorry! 



Here's some positive news! I've decided to put together a monthly schedule so you will all know what to expect from me for the upcoming month. 

For this upcoming month, you will see the following stories.

These are all stories I have had a lot of fun writing and I hope they're enjoyed! I've already finished four of them and am currently putting the finishing touches on the last two so they're ready to go for December! I will be posting them throughout the month.

For those who remember, I have a backlog of fics currently being worked on. I haven't updated this document in months, but now, it's updated! Here's a link to it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h7-78HizqG_JW89Xgp4jPew4S_FGmrCqYrskML6NIaY/edit?usp=sharing

One of my objectives during my break was to give myself a lot of breathing room by making substantial progress on my backlog before I returned. That's why some of next month's fics are already finished and plenty of others are not far from completion. I'm feeling very confident that I can wrap up all these loose ends in the coming months! 

I will also be continuing my commission cycle soon. I hope the wait hasn't been too bad for those waiting for their turn! I hope you can understand my need for a break.



I've missed you guys! Have I mentioned that yet? lol

I've thoroughly enjoyed writing and sharing my stories here on Patreon and I've missed that a lot too! I'm really looking forward to everyone reading what I have to offer. I've been working hard. 

As the cool kids say, I've been cooking, and you will all feast.

That's the plan, anyway!

So yeah, I'll be back in December, and it's gonna be rad.

See you all soon!

- KwIl



Happy to see you’re back in full gear, and just in time for the holiday season, too! Hope you’ve had a great time catching up, and can’t wait to see what’s coming up!


Thank you! I've used my break to relax but also get a lot done. I'm looking forward to sharing everything!


Good you're okay but take it easy and pace yourself. Just promise to put your mental health over us.