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Hi everyone,

I have decided to take a break from Patreon for the next several months.

Writer's block has hit me hard this month, and there's no sign of it going away anytime soon. I am going to take a long break partly for this reason, and also to give some much-needed time to catch up on everything once I am feeling inspired again. 

Essentially, I want to completely catch up with my backlog before I return to Patreon. There is a lot less pressure on me this way. If I were to continue with Patreon, the backlog would continue to grow larger at a level that exceeds how much I am able to write for it in return.

This isn't a decision I'm particularly happy to make. I love writing, and I love getting stories out there for you all to read, but I am just not able to deliver right now. I've tried several strategies to help this, but nothing has worked for long, sadly. Ultimately, I believe this is the best decision for me.

Commissions will be written gradually when I am able to do so. When I am feeling comfortable and ready to continue them, I will work through my queue. The same applies to everything else in my backlog, really. It doesn't please me to essentially delay commissions once more, but I'm glad it's not a situation where many individuals have paid and are waiting. 

I don't know how long this break will last beyond the "several months" timeframe, but it would mean the world to me if you could continue to support me when I am ready to return! I won't do so until I am confident I am able to write to the best of my ability once again.

On a side note, if you are a Patron who isn't on my Discord server, please do consider joining! It would be great to stay in contact. DM me if you would like an invite.

Thank you for reading. See you all soon!

- KwIl



Dude just take a break and just do the commissions over the next few months. Just remember to go out and have some fun every now and then while taking care of yourself. Just promise that your mental health is first before anything else.


Taking breaks it's important for the creative process to flow, just keep it easy and when the time comes for the publication will be worth it!! As people before said, mental health it's important