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Hey everybody!

It's been a while since I put out an update. I have a few things to share:

Firstly, I will be taking a break from Patreon in May. This means you will not be charged for your May pledge and that payments will resume in June. There will still be some posts in May, though those will mainly be poll results updates. I might sneak in a story or two even so because this month was on the shorter side for those, so that will be a way to make up for that.

The reasons for my break aren't too complex. I simply need a break to recharge a bit! Plus, it gives me time to sink my teeth into Tears of the Kingdom, lol. I also have a very busy last week of May planned as well.

Secondly, I want to put out a reminder that I do have a Discord server. It was previously publicly accessible, but I am limiting new members to Patrons for the time being. If you are not on the Discord server, send me a DM on Patreon and I will be happy to give you an invite! I do encourage it as there are a lot of great people there. It's a great way to talk to me directly too.

I also want to integrate my Discord Server a little bit more into the Patreon side of things. There was an idea of posting WIPs and sneak peeks on the Discord server first and I would like to do that as it would be a great way at receiving feedback before things are "professionally posted" here, so to speak. 

Thirdly, I have been asked about commissions a few times and I have some news on those. 

My tentative plans are to open at some point in June. I will still be writing in May, but the Patreon break means that no additional stories will get added to my backlog so that will help me wrap up what is left of those. 

I am planning on changing how I tackle commissions as well. Before, I would accept a good chunk of commissions and work on them in any order, but I don't think that approach has worked well for me. I think I will shift to a queue system where you only pay for your commission once it is your turn. I don't particularly enjoy having people pay and waiting a while for their commission, so this will fix that.

Lastly, I want to make it easier to see what I am currently working on. I plan to make a spreadsheet that details the progress of commissions as well as Patreon/Platinum fics so you see what is coming up. I will likely set this up for the June return!

Anyway, that about covers what I wanted to discuss! 

I won't deny things have been challenging so far and that 2021 and 2022 (2021 especially) were stronger years for me, but I hope what I've been doing has been enjoyable nevertheless. I hope I can come back stronger!

Thanks for reading!

- KwIl



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