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Despite what many would think, Marianne had been looking forward to the trip to this summer island.

It wasn’t necessarily the location that thrilled her, but rather the promise of being able to relax with the promise of privacy. Others would be around, of course, but they were either individuals she knew well or ones she was acquainted with enough, so she could handle their presence.

For many, including herself, this was a means to get away from the war for a while. Marianne had seen enough war to last a lifetime, and while she knew her departure from it would only last a week, she was nevertheless thankful for this opportunity to rest her body, mind, and soul.

That was her aim. She was going to relax. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So, naturally, as befitting her bad luck, something-- or rather, someone, was preventing her from achieving that objective. There was nothing she could do to quell the cluster of feelings she was experiencing regarding this unforeseen factor either. It was quite an awful predicament to be in.

…and it was all so silly, too.

The Summoner, Kiran, was a man of many mysteries. He was often fully covered and rarely removed his hood. For that reason, she hadn’t even seen his face!

But a summer vacation was no place for an attire such as that. Thus, he had turned up wearing nothing but a pair of swimming shorts, revealing his true appearance to her.

Marianne often found people attractive as any other would, but she was pretty good at not letting it get to her too much. It certainly helped that she preferred evading company.

But this was a small little tropical resort. There was no place to hide, nor did she want to.

Not only did Kiran have a handsome face, but his body looked amazing! One glance, and she could already feel herself drooling for him. He was hot!

She had hoped she could hide her slight fidgeting and immense blush, but life was not that simple.

“...just make a move, Marianne! There’s no way he’d reject you!”

Hilda was not teasing her about her predicament. She was actually encouraging her to do something!

…frankly, Marianne would have preferred the former treatment!

Her best friend had noticed that she was staring a little too much at a certain man, which spontaneously led to a hasty deduction of what was going on.

Hilda saw this as an amazing opportunity for Marianne to eliminate her stress. Laying down and enjoying the summer weather was great and all, but in her words, “Nothing beats a good fucking!”

For one usually so lazy, Hilda was surprisingly committed to getting her friend laid. She was not accepting Marianne’s refusal whatsoever, but she wasn’t budging, leading to an endless cycle with seemingly no end.

“Hilda…” Marianne mumbled for the umpteenth time, not having it in her heart to just tell her to shoo. “I can’t just…”

“Of course you can!” Hilda’s insistence was not dwindling anytime soon. “You have an amazing body, Marianne! Just go up to him, show a little interest, and he’ll be the one drooling over you instead!

Marianne decided to evade contact, hoping the message she was trying to communicate would be heard, though she wasn’t optimistic. She wished she could be as enthusiastic and confident as Hilda, but that just wasn’t who she was. Besides, what her closest friend was suggesting was easier said than done. Her body was nice, she supposed, but would that be enough to salvage a scenario where she was stuttering severely? Probably not.

Where even was Kiran right now? If she knew, could she work up the courage to even walk up to him? When would there even be a good opportunity to do so? How could she ask him to talk in private without messing up? How much would she have to rehearse? How could she even bring that up without passing out in shame?

She had endless questions and many answers that skewed toward a bad outcome.

It was for that reason that Marianne had accepted defeat even before Hilda had noticed her dilemma and decided she wanted to help. She didn’t mind abandoning her desires though; she’d just retreat to her room in the cabin later and use her imagination to rid herself of these sexual cravings. It was the next best thing, and something she could always rely on whenever it got really bad.

“Not budging, huh?” Hilda sounded like she was finally going to concede. “Well, we have a week here, so who knows? Maybe something might just miraculously happen.”

That optimism didn’t sound as grand as before. Hilda was hopefully conceding that Marianne was never going to make a move. Why would she, anyway? She was just a little horny for him. That was all. There were no other feelings whatsoever. None. He was just a good friend who helped her a lot when she was first summoned, so much so that she even felt comfortable eating lunch with him, but that was just because he was a good friend. That was all. There were no feelings, especially none that had been enhanced by the revelation that he was unbelievably handsome. None at all.

Marianne sighed. She appreciated what her best friend was trying to do, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

“...I’m sorry, Hilda.” she apologized, admittedly feeling a little bad that she couldn’t be budged, but that was just because she didn’t want to cause any upset. “I just don’t think I can do something like that… I hope you can understand…”

“Hey, no sweat!” her polar opposite responded surprisingly cheerfully. “Hey, tell you what. Forget about what I was saying. We’ll have some fun tomorrow, you hear? You and me! I’ve got a great idea!”

Marianne was a bit bewildered by the sudden change of topic, but she was intrigued. “You do?”

“You know that beach we walked past earlier, with all the rocks?” Hilda inquired, receiving a nod in return. “I’ve heard it looks amazing there during the sunrise. We could meet there! Then, we can enjoy the view, have a nice walk, and just enjoy each other’s company! Doesn’t sound too shabby, huh?”

Marianne smiled. Hilda’s suggestion sounded wonderful. A long, peaceful walk where she could admire all the nature around her? She was sold. It was actually something she wanted to do at some point, but she was apprehensive to do it alone, but she no longer had anything to worry about.

“That sounds lovely. Thank you, Hilda.”


“So, what do you think? It’s a pretty wild suggestion, but it might just work!”

Hilda had not given up.

She knew this was going to be difficult. It was optimistic to think Marianne would budge with just some sweet talking; therefore, she had also conjured up a multitude of backup plans.

Marianne needed this! Had she not noticed she was literally salivating in Kiran’s presence? Of course, she couldn’t exactly blame her friend-- Kiran was absurdly hot.

Plus, if this plan worked out, she’d benefit quite a lot as well! It wasn’t her main motivation, however-- just a nice, healthy bonus!

But she couldn’t do this alone. She had to let Kiran know what was happening if she had any chance at success! He had a vital role to play!

As for why she had absolutely no shame in revealing her ultimate objective to him… it was because she may or may not have already fucked him once or twice. It was a lot easier to be honest with somebody if they had fucked you silly in every fuckable hole, apparently.

Hilda’s attraction towards Kiran had originated from a curiosity-- a curiosity regarding what the heck this man looked like underneath all that ridiculous clothing! The thought was intriguing enough to actually muster the energy to investigate!

Said investigation had been challenging, but the end result was worth it! She had memorized his routine, learned when he liked to visit the hot springs, and miraculously scheduled an appointment at the same time! It was some exhausting work, but she was so happy she did it! He was hoooot!

Alas, she was too busy fawning over him to even think about seducing him, but it was something she worked towards ever since that day! All she had to do from that point was show a little bit of extra cleavage, wear a slightly shorter skirt, and throw in a few innuendos here and there during conversation.

He was surprisingly resistant to her charm, but when a woman had assets like hers and knew how to put them to good use, it wasn’t long before she got what she wanted.

That had been a few weeks ago… and while she wasn’t keeping count, she was pretty sure she had been fucked more times than the number of days in those weeks. While she was having an amazing time, she wanted to add some spice… and what better way to find that than with a little bit of naughtiness at the beach?

While this was all casual sex, she was no bragger, and she was especially glad she did. Discovering a certain lady’s romantic interest in her fuckbuddy had made her feel guilty… which ended up transitioning into confusion when she discovered a certain somebody else had an interest in that lady too.

Neither Kiran nor Marianne had the courage to speak to the other about their feelings, and because of that, they had searched for means to rid themselves of their respective crushes. Thus, Kiran accepted Hilda’s advances… while Marianne did… well, a whole lot of nothing, actually.

It just wouldn’t do! Hilda wouldn’t have it! Nothing would naturally blossom at this rate!

She wanted to help them… though she truthfully didn’t want to lose her fuckbuddy either…

So, she figured… why not try to achieve both goals? She was going to eat her cake and then still have it too, for that cake would be replaced with her friend’s bubbly butt!

“This is a ridiculous idea, Hilda,” Kiran didn’t sound too thrilled. “Fucking in the open so blatantly so she’ll catch us? That’s not going to make her want to join. That’ll freak her out!”

“She won’t see us!” Hilda corrected his incorrect assumption  “But she’ll hear us though! Why do you think I’m suggesting the beach with all those rocks we can hide behind, hmm?”

“I don’t see how that’ll change anything,” he was still adamant. “I’m starting to think you’re an awful matchmaker. What makes you think she even likes me back, anyway? Even if she does… wouldn’t uncovering this all break her heart?”

She hadn’t mentioned that she knew they had a crush on each other. That would make things too easy!

Regardless, she was still confident she’d succeed.

“You haven’t seen her when she’s horny,” Hilda answered confidently. “A good smell will really get to her… and what’s the best smell in the world while you’re aroused, hmm? That’s right! Sex!

Kiran had many questions and no answers. He was aware they were roommates, so perhaps that was how Hilda had uncovered some particular information, but how? Marianne didn’t seem to be the type to talk about how she acted while horny.

He wasn’t wrong to think that. Indeed, Hilda didn’t talk to Marianne about topics that were sexual in nature… excluding the conversation earlier in the day, of course.

But what he didn’t know was that his crush was quite the risktaker herself; whenever Marianne was convinced Hilda was fast asleep, she’d play with herself, cry out a particular name, and not realize just how loud she was being.

Hilda never minded the noise though-- she liked using the moans as material to get off to.


It was early in the morning and still relatively dark out. Marianne would often wake up during this time and watch the sunrise from her window, but this time, she wasn’t going to do it alone.

This was going to be good for her! Watching nature’s beauty would help distract her from all those arousing thoughts. A walk through all the beaches and the nearby jungle? It would cleanse her soul.

Marianne liked to think it was all out of her system already. She had played with herself for hours last night, sacrificing a bit of sleep in the process, but she felt surprisingly refreshed. Fingers crossed!

…she flinched when she did that motion. Maybe she had stayed up a little too long last night…

She did her best to ignore it as she dressed for the day, heading out to the promised beach. Some light was emerging from the horizon, illuminating the island enough as she arrived at the promised beach. She figured it would be enough to locate Hilda.

…but nobody was around.

All she could hear was a few birds chirping, a strange moan, the crashing of the ocean, and…

…wait… why did that moan sound like…?

It sounded close. Was Hilda perhaps… in pain? There was no way it was sexual. That was just her filthy mind awakening at the worst time.

That was it. Hilda was in trouble! She needed help!

Thus, she approached the source of the sound, discovering it was behind a few large rocks that restricted her view.

“Ohhh fuuuuckkk that feels good!”

…that was not a painful moan. That was not a painful moan AT ALL!

She couldn’t even gaslight herself into thinking it was; it would not explain that constant slapping sound she was hearing as well.



Surely, she wasn’t…?

“Hilda, you’re being too loud.”

Her best friend’s joyful cries came to a screeching halt as her mouth was presumingly covered.

“I’mmm sooorrrryyy~”

Indeed, she sounded muffled.

“We need to finish soon,” he warned her. “Marianne is probably on her way here.”

“Whoooo caaareeeessss??” Hilda purred, mumbling all sorts of incomprehensible things after, prompting Kiran to assumingly release the grasp he had around her mouth so she could speak. “She should join in! I know you’ve wanted to fuck her too, and that’s because you loooooove her, riiight?”

Marianne would have found that whiny voice cute if she wasn’t currently bewildered and horrified and confused and quivering and having a mental breakdown and had she mentioned horrified and the mental breakdown?!

“That’s why you wanted to fuck while it was still so dark, wasn’t  it?” Hilda continued speaking comprehensible words nonsensically. “You can imagine I’m her if you want! Don’t blame me if I can’t stop screaming about how much I love your cock though!”


“I bet you’re so jealous that I’m going to be spending time with her today! You won’t be able to speak to her privately about how you feel! Sorry, but she’s all mine to- OOOOH FUCK!!...t-that was o-one p-powerful thrust… fuck… t-that means I’m r-right, rrrriiight?”

Marianne was disgusted.

…not at what she was hearing, but rather how she was reacting to it.

This was a lot of information to receive so suddenly and unexpectedly, but there were two truths she could not deny.

Firstly, Kiran loved her?!

Secondly, why was this so hot?!

She had a lot more questions too.

Why hadn’t Kiran confessed if he liked her? Why was he fucking Hilda?! Why had Hilda tried to get her to fuck him while she was also fucking him?! Were they actually fucking before this? Or was this a response to her rejection of the idea yesterday?!

…she had not slept enough for this.

But… maybe… that was a good thing…

She could not think coherently right now. Therefore, certain voices in her head were proving to be far louder than they usually were.

The sun was beginning to rise, but there was no time to admire a hypothetical beautiful view. It would be a challenge to appreciate it too, for a sight potentially more appealing awaited her behind those rocks.

She wanted to see it. She couldn’t deny it. She wanted to see her best friend getting fucked. She wanted to see the man she crushed on fucking her, too!

…and then, maybe… maybe… she could… join in?

Marianne realized this was a foolish idea a few seconds later, but it was too late. Her legs had moved on their own.

Now, she could see everything.

“W-Wait! M-Marianne?!”

Hilda sounded shocked… but it didn’t feel genuine. That yelp was too delayed.

Did Hilda know she was there, or at least suspected it?

Marianne came to a very simple conclusion regarding that question-- she was tired of all the questions! It hurt her head.

What wouldn’t hurt her head was embracing this ridiculous situation, especially when there was so much to gain.

Those were those thoughts telling her that, of course, but listening to them was so much simpler! There was no way she could block them out anyway-- not while witnessing and listening to this depravity.

This was the fault of her crest. It enhanced not only how frequently she got aroused, but also how strong that feeling felt.

Kiran and Hilda reacted to her presence by putting a swift end to their sex, though it once again wasn’t as quick as one would think it would be.

Regardless, it wasn’t good for Marianne’s mental state, for it revealed just how huge Kiran’s cock actually was.

…and to think… it was currently coated in Hilda’s juices?!

Though Kiran was the one had a crush on, she could not deny how beautiful and… sexy… her best friend was. Sometimes, during those quiet nights while Hilda slumbered, it was she that Marianne thought about… but she was never going to admit that!

Nevertheless, there was an opportunity here… a chance to learn what they both tasted like…

Marianne could not think rationally.

Any hope of recovery was shattered when a massively strong smell filled up her nostrils. It was a familiar scent, one that was driving her closer to the brink of insanity.

The stench of sex.

It was making her tremble.

There were many choices she could make… but one particular option stood tall above the rest.

…letting instinct take over.

It was the easiest and most beneficial choice, after all.

One second, she was staring in disbelief.

The next, she was on her knees, slobbering all over Kiran’s length with an incredible level of enthusiasm backing her kisses and licks.

Marianne couldn’t believe what she was doing, but such thoughts were starting to fade. She’d have time to process this all later. Right now, she knew she wanted, and thinking about anything aside from how wonderful this dick tasted would disrupt her concentration.

“Holy fuck…” Kiran was completely stunned by Marianne’s sudden devotion, but that didn’t mean he was opposed to a new set of wet lips dancing all over his shaft.

“Seeee?” Hilda was ecstatic at seeing her closest friend finally give in. “I told you it would work!”

Marianne could hear the blatant confirmation that this was all a ruse, but she didn’t care. Her mind was a colossal mess, but she had no intention of cleaning it up anytime soon. Besides, the situation was bizarre enough that even if she regained some degree of rationality, she could just dismiss this all as one wild dream. Probably.

Though she had bombarded his cock so suddenly, her kisses and licks were slow and sweet. This was her first time doing something like this and she wanted to burn every precise detail into her memory.

However, she wasn’t allowed to soak it all in, for somebody else was competing for Kiran’s cock.

“Sorry, Marianne,” Hilda apologized, having dropped to her knees as she started smothering her favorite dick with kisses too. “I was planning to just watch, but then I thought about how hot it would be to suck a dick together with my best friend. Hope you understand~”

Marianne honestly didn’t mind. Hilda’s justification was hot, and besides, her fellow deer was being surprisingly considerate over how much cock she was dribbling over. Each girl was drooling over their fair share!

Kiran watched in awe at what was happening. He felt a little ashamed for not believing Hilda’s plan would work, but that feeling was fleeting in the face of how fantastic he felt. The two girls contrasted each other in many ways and this seemingly applied to how they worshiped cock too! Marianne? Slow but steady. Hilda? Feisty and frantic.

But this observation didn’t remain consistent. Marianne, whether it was due to dwindling nerves or an escalation of her thirst, ended up increasing her pace over time. It didn’t take long for her speed to eclipse her fellow deer, especially when she decided to put her mouth to good use by taking what she could inside it. Hilda was not anticipating this whatsoever, but she was determined not to be overshadowed. When Marianne inevitably overexerted herself and needed a moment to breathe, that was when her new partner in crime swooped in to gobble up the cock she craved, making sure that the bobs were unending.

The two girls did not need to communicate to develop a routine; they alternated between sucking dick and slobbering over his balls, making sure to not leave a single part untouched by their saliva. While Marianne looked like she was in a trance, Hilda constantly kept her eyes on the man himself, sneaking in many winks and sticking out her tongue every now and then.

Kiran enjoyed a good sunrise, but when two sexy ladies were slobbering all over his dick so needily, it was hard to appreciate what was occurring in the background. It was an indicator that they had to finish things soon though, lest some early awakener decided to use this particular beach as a place to relax in the morning. He wasn’t confident the next girl would react so positively to this blatant indecency.

“Girls,” he called out to them, receiving no response. He cleared his throat, ready to speak more firmly. “Girls.”

Hilda retreated from his member, but Marianne did not.

“Hmm?” she seemed eager for this conversation to come to a close sooner rather than later. “It’s not like you to interrupt me while I’m sucking your big, juicy cock.”

The cock in question throbbed. Marianne seemed to appreciate the motion, sucking more earnestly. Regardless, he was able to keep his composure enough to respond. “Look-- the sun is rising. We need to hurry up.”

Hilda seemed hesitant at first, but watching her friend unable to stop sucking cock gave her an idea.

“Let me deal with her, then,” she said, elaborating with her actions rather than her words.

Since Marianne was so committed to satisfying her lust, she was not phased when Hilda lifted up her skirt and pulled down her underwear. What did phase her was when Hilda sunk her head into those cheeks, helping herself to her friend’s drenched pussy.

Kiran observed the insanity with fascination as Marianne’s concentration was quickly torn to pieces. The feeling of an excited tongue drilling inside her so ardently was causing her to tremble with a form of exhilaration she couldn’t comprehend. In a desperate attempt to silence her impending scream, she clasped her hand over her mouth, but it did little to dampen her beautiful moan.

“H-Hilda…!” Marianne cried with ecstasy, the level of pleasure spreading throughout her body and mind too much for her to handle. She had been resting her hands on Kiran’s thighs for extra support, but he had inconveniently taken a step back, and now, she was on all fours. This made it even easier for Hilda to eat her out… and in the end, she ended up completely and utterly collapsing.

It was only then that she was finally granted mercy. Never would she take breathing for granted again.

“You go through all that effort to make her join, and then almost knock her out?” Kiran was perplexed. “You are a confusing girl sometimes, Hilda.”

“Hey, I wasn’t planning it!” she defended herself with haste. “She just tasted really nice! I couldn’t help but keep at it! But hey, it’s alright! How about you fuck my tits real good while she recovers, hmm?”

An invitation to feel the warmth and softness of her bosom wasn’t something Kiran would ever turn down. When he sat down on a nearby small rock and spread his legs, that was her invitation to proceed. She promptly removed her top, setting forth those large breasts he had done plenty of things to. It made him wonder-- was Marianne the same size, or perhaps even larger? From a glance, they looked the same, but appearances could be deceiving.

There wasn’t much time to fantasize once he felt the humidity of her boobs envelop him. He tilted his head back, focusing on that feeling for a moment. Hilda usually took her time with titfucks, but this time, she wasted little time in jiggling them around his member frantically. She seemed to remember they were in a bit of a rush, thankfully!

“Wow! Marianne slobbered over your cock so much!” Hilda shared an observation. “It’s hot knowing she lubricated you all up for me~”

Kiran hadn’t had an opportunity until now to notice just how much his shaft was shimmering. Marianne had done that! To think-- he believed she was shy and solitary… but no girl with only those traits could do that.

While Kiran appreciated Hilda’s efforts-- he truly did-- he just couldn’t keep her counterpart away from the forefront of his mind. He wanted to know what her tits felt like too! For that reason, he was a smidge annoyed at his fuckbuddy for taking her out of commission. What happened to them sharing?

But that minor frustration was short-lived when Hilda’s expression morphed into one of shock… a familiar shock! Kiran had been so occupied by the titfuck that he hadn’t noticed Marianne get it together and return the favor, devouring her best friend from behind with the same intensity she demonstrated with the blowjob.

Hilda couldn’t perform anywhere near as well anymore, but Kiran didn’t mind. Seeing his cock sandwiched between her tits while her expression constantly changed was fun too.

“M-Marianne… w-wait… I… I can’t...!”

Marianne wasn’t giving her a chance to breathe, seemingly keen to enact her revenge… or perhaps she was discovering she was addicted to the taste of her friend’s pussy too. It was the hottest explanation, so Kiran decided that was the truth.

She ultimately did recede, however. Taking advantage of Hilda’s disoriented state, she took her place beside her partner in crime, helping herself to the cock currently poking through her best friend’s bosom. There wasn’t much she could take in while most of it was submerged within a pair of big tits, of course, but Kiran adored the sight even so.

But he wanted more. His earlier thoughts hadn’t left his mind.

“Marianne,” he called out to her, figuring it was best to do so before she entered another trance. She gazed up, her eyes loving and lustful. “I want you to use your tits too. Can you do that for me?”

Kiran pulled back, freeing himself from Hilda’s grasp. Marianne reacted by removing her top too, demonstrating no hesitation. Sucking cock and eating pussy had done wonders in regards to eradicating her usual nervous demeanor, at least for the time being.

She looked beautiful. Unsurprisingly, she looked pretty much the same size as her classmate… though if he had to be honest… he’d give the victory to Hilda. It ultimately didn’t matter though-- he was looking forward to feeling them envelop his manhood and slobbering over them just as greedily later on.

Hilda, however, recovered far faster than expected. As Marianne tried to enclose the cock that drove her so crazy within her tits, she found herself competing with a woman who wanted to do the same thing.

“Wait your turn, Marianne!” Hilda sounded frustrated, but Kiran could tell she was just being playful. “You’ll get time to play with his cock later~”

Marianne was a bit intimidated by the slightly annoyed tone, but she wasn’t going to give in that easily-- not while a delicious dick was on the line. “Kiran said he wanted to use mine, Hilda…”

To think that two girls were thirsting after his cock and clashing over who got to play with it…

Kiran felt like the luckiest man in the world.

But as fun as it would be to see them argue over who got to have his dick, he didn’t want them to have a falling out over it.

Thankfully, he had a solution that would satisfy all parties.

“Girls,” he called out to them, placing his hands on their crowns to divert their attention. “How about you both use your tits?

Hilda and Marianne gazed at each other, with the former being the first to comply, taking a step back so she could shuffle to the side, giving her partner ample room to squeeze in between their man’s legs. Marianne seemed a little apprehensive at first, but one glance at the cock she had devoured moments ago was enough to rejuvenate her clarity… or rather, the lack of it.

Moments later, Kiran was gifted with the unbelievable sight of two sets of breasts suffocating his cock from all sides. It felt phenomenal. He couldn’t get enough of the squishiness and warmth, and he especially liked it whenever one of their nipples pushed up against his shaft, causing them to coo.

Naturally, the two weren’t particularly sure how to service him efficiently due to a lack of inexperience in this field, but that didn’t matter. Just letting them jiggle their tits and constantly smother his manhood within their humidity was enough. It looked amazing and it felt amazing! He wouldn’t mind receiving this kind of service for hours.

“How’s that, hmm?” Hilda wanted to hear how they were doing… but she received no response. However, one look at his expression indicated he was captivated, so she didn’t mind the lack of an answer. “Gosh, you’re twitching so much! Do you feel it, Marianne? He loves it~”

“H-Hilda… I can’t believe we’re… ahh… it’s… so big…”

“Don’t think too much, Marianne,” Hilda advised her friend. “Just keep at it, okay? We’re going to make him cum lots and lots~”

“...c-cum… I…” the timid girl was enchanted by those words, breathing heavily and unable to finish her sentence.

Fueled by their highest level of determination yet, the two girls continued to service him with their tits. Kiran tried his damndest to keep his eyes locked on this astonishing view, but the immense and unpredictable pressure he was experiencing was causing his body to jolt frequently.

His end was approaching. He could feel it.

And so could they.

“Cum for us, Kiran~” Hilda purred, moaning endlessly. “Say it too, Marianne! Tell him how much you want him to cum all over us~”

Marianne responded quickly. “P-Please… I want it… your cum… all over me… please...

Kiran couldn’t believe the words he was hearing. His mind was already feeling so volatile! The mere notion that Marianne could say such things… he was speechless.

“Wow I was expecting you to stutter a lot more!” Hilda giggled with joy. “You really love his cock, don’tcha? You’re obsessed with it!”

“Y-Yes… I love it…” the girl of his dreams purred and purred, completely overjoyed by everything that was happening. “I love K-Kiran’s cock… I want… him to.. to… c-cum…”

Hearing her speak in such a sultry voice… he couldn’t get enough of it. Marianne was secretly such a horny girl…and he loved that!

“Well, you heard her,” Hilda turned her attention towards the lucky man. “She wants you to cum all over us, so be sure to shoot lots, okay? Don’t stop until we’re drenched in it~”

The pleasure, the words, and the mental image all combined into a wondrous blur… but it was enough to bring him over the edge. Kiran came, fulfilling their wishes by coating not one, but two amazing pairs of tits with his seed. His semen shot up violently, and while most of it did indeed cover their boobs, some of it soared high enough to splash against their faces. Obviously, neither woman was against the mess.

“O-Oh my gosh... he came… so much! A lot more than usual!” Hilda leaned back, observing all the white spunk all over her breasts momentarily before observing the equal amount of semen over Marianne’s breasts. Her eyes drifted up, scanning her partner’s expression, and a sly smile formed on her face. “Marianne! You got some on your face!”

Marianne, no doubt to the abundance of emotions flowing throughout her mind, was too immobilized to react to Hilda licking a string of semen on her face.

What did make her react was Hilda smashing her lips against hers, forcing her mouth open, and subsequently sharing the tasty treat by swirling her tongue around hers.

Though she was understandably stunned… she soon embraced the absurd scenario, unable to resist the temptation of a tongue war herself, not to mention how much of a fan she was of the taste.

Kiran was mystified. This was the first time he had seen the two kiss… and they were doing it while sharing his cum?!

It was an amazing way to spark a rejuvenation down below though.

He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to take them. Now. Time was of the essence, and he was not going to waste a single second.

Fortunately, one of the girls had the same idea.

“...I want to… do it…” Marianne was feeling especially courageous even as she spoke quietly. “Is that okay, Hilda?”

“Of course it is!” Hilda was content, licking some leftover semen on her friend’s cheek… which also gave her access to her ear. “So long as you don’t mind me watching you getting fucked~”

Marianne shivered, a groan leaking from her mouth. A mental image had entered her mind and was calling forth a range of emotions; some were good, but some were bad, such as a spark of anxiety. Thankfully, she knew there was nothing to worry about with Hilda as her guide.

Mimicking the pose she saw earlier, Marianne rested her hands on the nearby rock and stuck out her bubbly butt. She remembered how ferociously Hilda had been pounded in that position and she wanted a taste too.

“Uhm… I… I haven’t…” Marianne mumbled when Kiran’s hands landed on her hips, indicating he was behind her. “I haven’t… ah…”

“It’s alright,” Kiran understood what she was trying to say, ready to put to rest as many nerves as he could. “I’ll be as gentle as I can-- I promise.”

Kiran did not have taking Marianne’s virginity on his agenda for the day, but this was an unexpected development he could get behind.

As he pushed up against her, he wasn’t shocked to discover she was soaking wet. This was good, for it made penetrating her an easier task. Indeed, he slipped in and felt her compactness for the first time in no time. Though he was purposefully taking his time, he felt her shudder and heard her cry out a little in pain, making him feel a little guilty. He didn’t let the feeling consume him, however, for he knew it was optimistic to think she wouldn’t feel at least some pain.

Even so… she was taking it rather well, all things considered! He didn’t hear any whimpers beyond the first, even as he gradually pushed in more and more.

…but that was because a certain somebody had muffled her voice. Hilda, impatient as always, had decided to lock the girl in a thirsty kiss. It forced all the moans into her mouth, a rather greedy move, but he supposed he couldn’t complain too much with how humid she felt around his manhood.

When had she snuck over there, anyway? He guessed he had been too occupied with being careful to notice the troublemaker’s movements. Regardless, it was doubtlessly helping Marianne to relax, and that was a good thing.

By this point, he had most of his length inside her. Occasional signs of discomfort showed themselves, but they were promptly rectified with even more smooches from his little helper; therefore, it wasn’t long before he eventually managed to slot everything inside her.

This felt like a dream, but no individual who could influence those had been invited to the island.

It was difficult to deduce Marianne’s condition. How much pain was she experiencing? Was it a lot? Perhaps, none at all? There was only so much he could guess from her reactions, especially as he couldn’t really hear her that well. He could ask, but he also didn’t want to interrupt their smooching session. Thus, he decided to move very steadily, figuring she’d react strongly if she was feeling very uncomfortable all of a sudden. As he very slowly and very carefully amped up the pace, he was pleased to see no such negative reaction show itself.

In hindsight, it wasn’t too shocking. If this girl could gobble up his cock so wildly without any issue, it wasn’t farfetched to assume she could handle a firm fucking… and that was precisely what he was now giving her. The speed hadn’t reached the level that usually made Hilda scream just yet, but they were approaching a threshold that was causing Marianne’s bubbly butt to jiggle approvingly. It was a pleasantly distracting sight, and though he wouldn’t dare mention it to Hilda, Marianne definitely had a fatter ass than her.

Hilda had a slightly larger bust and liked to be spanked though, so it sort of evened out.

Fueled by how much Marianne’s ass liked to jiggle, Kiran held onto her hips and raised the magnitude of his thrusts, convinced she could take it. He was pleasantly surprised to hear her moans actually escape Hilda’s mouth, all thanks to his actions preventing her from fighting as efficiently in the clash of tongues.

Ultimately, Marianne lost the battle. No longer stuck against something that could mitigate her moans somewhat, she revealed just how deafeningly loud she could be. She cried out endlessly as Kiran pushed hard against her cervix, not afraid to pound her with all his might. Hilda stepped back and grinned, satisfied with not only her victory but the show she was witnessing.

“He’s good, isn’t he?” Hilda sat down on a nearby rock, watching the depravity take place. “His cock is driving you crazy, isn’t it, Marianne?”

“Aahhhh… aaaahhh… it… it is…!”

Marianne had no shame. She had no energy to even spare for such an emotion. All she wished to focus on was how amazing it felt to get fucked, and now she could do so without worrying about trying to defend herself from an intruding tongue.

Kiran couldn’t get enough of her magical body. She was sweating so much, and somehow tightening up even more. It wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle with how powerful his thrusts were, but it was an indicator she was approaching her end. It was just as well he was too, and he could not wait to cum inside her.

It was probably worth asking if it was actually alright to do so… but he had a feeling she’d either not be able to respond cohesively, or her tightness would stop him from even pulling out.

“Oooh, he’s getting close,” Hilda shared her observation. “Do you want him to cum inside you, Marianne? Do you want him to fill you up? Knock you up?! I bet you do~”

Kiran wanted to say he couldn’t believe the things she was saying, but it felt very on-brand by this point. She also wanted to get off too, for she currently had a few fingers sinking in and out of her pussy at a rapid pace, copying the speed of the sex happening right in front of her.

As for Marianne’s response to those insane questions… well, there wasn’t any. She was just too dominated by pleasure.

Kiran knew what she wanted to say though. When each question was asked, he felt the grasp her pussy had around his cock become even stronger. If that wasn’t an indication she didn’t want her womb filled up to the brim…

Thoughts became increasingly difficult as he experienced a level of compactness unlike any other, shortly followed by Marianne quivering frenziedly. Hilda, as always, came to the rescue, providing a body to clutch onto for dear life as a riveting orgasm surged throughout Marianne’s body.

Unable to withstand how compact she had become, Kiran came, flooding her womb for the first of many times. The pressure of her insides made certain every last drop was forced out of him. It was a pleasure so grand that it brought forth eye-blurring, ear-ringing, and so much aching… but it was worth every second.

Kiran miraculously managed to pull out and back away, prompting Marianne to fall into the loving arms of her closest friend.

“W-Wow… you came so much inside her…” Hilda giggled with glee and a shaky voice, having achieved her orgasm at some point during theirs.

Her statement wasn’t a lie. Marianne was leaking so much cum, and naturally, a certain somebody wasn’t going to let all that delicious seed go to waste! Hidla scooped up what was already leaking with her hand before burying herself within the girl’s ass, devouring it impatiently. Marianne, already feeling especially sensitive, couldn’t last against the sudden pressure and ended up collapsing onto the ground, just as Hilda finished up.

“Delicious as always,” Hilda licked her lips and fingers clean. “And now that she’s out of the picture for a while… I don’t suppose you can fill me up too, Kiran?”


“...HUH? W-Why not?”

Kiran still felt a little out of it, but he had recovered enough of his senses to notice something very important.

“Because people are starting to come to the beach.”

Hilda peered over their little makeshift rock barricade, groaning once she realized it was true.

“...boo! No fair!” she whined for a while before ultimately sighing.

Kiran was surprised no one had turned up sooner, but he wasn’t going to start taking any more risks. He needed some time to relax before he could go at it again, anyway.

“Well, that’s okay,” Hilda giggled mischievously. “We do have a cabin, don’t we? And nobody is going to be there because they’d rather be out and about, right? That means… we can… y’know… ehehehe~”

It never ended with this girl. “You, Hilda, are crazy.”

“And you still need to confess your love to her!” Hilda countered swiftly. “Though I suppose she needs to do the same… but that can wait until after you fill her up a few more times, I suppose!”

Kiran closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

Traditionally, love confessions occurred long before creampies…

Nothing was orthodox around Hilda though.

“C’mon, Marianne!” Hilda helped her friend to her feet, receiving mumbles in return. “You can rest on a nice cozy bed while he fucks you some more. How does that sound, hmm?”

She only received a few groans in response. He hoped she’d be able to make it back okay.

Kiran couldn’t believe Hilda’s energy sometimes, but it did signal one thing.

…this was going to be a long day. A very, very long day.

He hoped he and Marianne could survive Hilda’s antics…


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