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Dan needs to get that cough under control, it's not healthy.

Thanks for the super sweet comments and support on the last update, it really means a lot <3



Divi (Lovewin)

Welp Dan, now you at least know her true intentions. It would be best to get it together though. Probably look into the cough too.


Esther is so fucking super evil I LOVE ITTTTTT unf


Esther is right: gotta finish your plate, Dan; someone worked hard to cook all that angel soul-jelly! Plus, if you don’t eat up, no wonder if you get an unhappy tummy... (or lungs)


Es, watch your mouth. The last person to drive Dan to madness, well, you _damn well know_ how that went.

Parker Groseclose

Is it too soon to say that Esther totally stole that kill?


Plot twist Dan eats Esther