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Esther you might just be a smidge too casual atm

I'm going to have to skip on friday's update, sorry guys! Full disclosure: I've been dealing and working thru chronic depression and anxiety for a couple of months, but I'm starting to feel back to normal again! The downside is working with a small fraction of my normal energy for awhile has gotten me super behind on work, especially pages. So even tho I'm getting back in the swing of things, I'm still cleaning up after potato Ayme's mess. Sorry about the missed updates and thanks for being patient! 💖




Here lies Carla. She never scored.

Divi (Lovewin)

No worries. Your health is tons more important


We love potato Ayme too, she's part of the team and let's not be too hard on her. But it's good to know that beef Ayme is in charge again. Or is it carrot Ayme? Nutella Ayme? Iunno. Take your time and take care! ^_^


That's great that you're feeling more normal. Try not to be too hard on yourself. <3


No need to feel guilty about missed updates. Taking care of yourself is always top priority. Be sure take plenty of mental and physical health breaks.


Hope you feel better! No worries about missed updates!


I couldn't say it better than any of the above: your health is the most important thing! I really hope it keeps on getting better! :) (and, indeed, potato Ayme deserves all our love too!)