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By Giving Filo Lingirie Set FREE
For All Patrons If Maintain 400 Patrons By Early January 2020(ง˃̀ꄃ˂́)۶ then we will focus on new goal! New sets!
What do you think?



Yoko Marika

Hmmmm.... Macam best tapi hmmm

Larry Kong

Yess yesss~ New year new goal 😁😁😁

Yoko Marika

Tgh fikir. Klu ada set2 mcm ni untuk Izu apa yg aku perlu buat.🤔🤔 Mungkin ada effect dia 🤔🤔

Yoko Marika

Yassss tak sabar nak photoshoot dgn boss. Lepas bos dah cos mesti order costume Aruto shachou 👀👀✨


New year, new goals and new rewards, what could be better? I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams and goals!


An angel!!!! 🙏😇🥰🥰🥰🥰💖 This is... HEAVEN! 🤗😘 This will start 2020 so great! And yes fixing new goals are the fondamental of New Year's resolutions. ✨

Muhammad Azzan



I wait for the Filo set 'u'