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Ooff my goal has been stuck for months >< maybe im not doing well enough!
Should i change my current goal?
Feel free to comment let me know ok :3
You are the boss. Yes you !



Yoko Marika

Mana2 je. Aku apa2 pun boleh. Janji ada Izu atau Yua, semua boleh jalan 👀✨


I am new but your goal might not be moving just due to the time of the year. I would wait a bit longer to see.


True you deserve it😁


Well I do miss that zero two goal you made a while back but changed ahaha


No, I don’t think that you need to change your goal, and by the way, I also guess that this is due to the fact that this is the end of the year

Larry Kong

You did well! I'm thinking mayb a set of 3 photos as reward instead of one. But let's wait after all the events over 😁

Anthony Cortez

If it's been stuck for over 3 months, change your goal. Mix things up. Get some momentum.


It may have to do with temporary setback due to your main account on IG. I won't change a thing, ever. 🤭 Don't give up! You are doing superfine i am sure of it. Patrons are loyal and you'll reach out new one soon enough. 🙏🌹💗🥰😘


moar loli lewd teases :3


sometimes you need a carrot sometimes you need a stick. Maybe this time a little spank on that behind in the air is what is needed 😲 😉 just playing with words 😁