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Note: This side story will contain some BDSM themes and degredation. Also, it is a Sonya x Carla pairing. It doesn't need to be read to enjoy the main story in any way but the nature of the relationship may reflect partially in future interactions between the characters, predominantly in the form of subtext. That said, enjoy.


Sonya stared down at the trembling form beneath her. Her eyes raking over the soft pale skin of the raven haired woman who had been bent over her bed and parted her legs. Her entire body shaking with delirious need. Sonya raised her hand again and brought it back down on the same cheek she’d been paying special attention to. A nice red spot had begun to form and the latest hit drew a pained groan out of Carla. She shook and arched her back, gasping for air as she clawed at the sheets beneath her.

Sonya’s lip twisted, “Tell me you didn’t…” She said derisively.

Carla let out a whimper and pressed her head against the sheets again, gasping for air, “I’m… sorry…” She barely managed. “Please… forgive…”

Sonya leaned forward and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head up and looking her in the eyes from the side. She fixed her with a glare that made the whimpering masochist melt, “You do that again, without permission, and I will stop, period. Do you understand?” She said coldly. 

Carla nodded hurriedly, “Y-yes ma’am,” She said breathlessly, “Mistress, yes, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, more, anything.”

Admittedly, I have been working her up into a frenzy since the bar, I guess she can’t be totally blamed, not that I’m going to tell her that, Sonya thought and let her go, walking around behind Carla again and running her fingers on the cheek that Sonya had been leaving alone. Carla shivered and Sonya squeezed the flesh of it, “Why are you being punished, pervert?”

Carla trembled at the words and tried to push herself up to her hands, her elbows buckling, “I-I was a bad girl…” She whimpered.

Sonya struck, Carla moaned, “Why were you bad?” Sonya demanded.

“I-I-” She trembled and glanced back at Sonya who gave her a stern look. She whined and let her head droop, “I tried to seduce you, on orders, from my boss.”

“No shame at all,” Sonya grunted and slapped her ass again, “Perverted, shameless, masochistic little bitch who gets off on being degraded,” Sonya snarled, giving her two more slaps for good measure. Carla moaned and pressed her knees together, clawing at the sheets and visibly tensing up. Sonya watched and waited until the woman managed to get herself back under control. 

Carla let out a gasp, heaving in a deep breath of air as if she’d been underwater for a minute. She looked back over her shoulder with unfettered lust fogging her vision. “I… stopped… mistress…” She murmured, smiling a bit drunkenly.

“Good girl, turn around and kneel,” Sonya said with a nod. Carla hurried to obey and got on her knees on the ground, looking up at Sonya. Sonya looked down at her and reached up to loosen her tie before pulling it off. She rolled it and set it aside on the bed, pulling her coat off and setting it down neatly as well. She unbuttoned her shirt slowly and opened it, revealing her own almost paper-white skin and the silver lace bra cupping her chest. She folded her shirt and reached for her buckle only to hear a whine from Carla. Sonya raised an eyebrow, “You want to?”

Carla nodded hurriedly, shifting a bit on her knees as her abused bum brushed against her legs. Sonya rolled her eyes and nodded, stepping up to Carla who reached up with shaky fingers and unfastened the belt. She pulled it free and rolled it neatly, breathing hard, she pulled down Sonya’s pants to her ankles and looked up in awe, running her fingers over Sonya’s skin, worship on her face. She looked up at Sonya with longing who stepped out of her pants. Carla quickly folded them and set them on the bed obediently and turned around to see Sonya’s panties in her face, hanging from Sonya’s fingers.

She reverently took them and Sonya snorted, “Pervert.”

Carla didn’t react except a small shiver before turning back and looking up into Sonya’s eyes, not daring to look down at her exposed sex. She swallowed hard, her eyes pleading. Sonya raised her eyebrows in warning. “What do you want?” She demanded.

“May I service you? Please?” She asked from her spot on the ground.

Sonya nodded and was about to move to sit when Carla just moved forward, clinging to Sonya’s thighs as her head pressed up in between. A warm tongue slipped up and Sonya forced down a gasp. She let her head roll back, her eyes fluttering at the primal feeling of power in the moment. She parted her legs a little more to give Carla a bit more room to work with and Carla thanked her with a passionate kiss against her lower lips. “Good girl, that’s a good girl,” Sonya breathed, running her fingers through silky black hair.

Driven forward by her words, Carla worked harder, moving her tongue in quick circles and slipping it up and nearly in a few times, teasing and exploring. Sonya let out a shaky breath and looked down, meeting her gaze. She was looking up with sparkling, delighted eyes as if she had just been given the most wonderful gift in her life. Sonya felt a thrill run up her spine, “Fuck…” She exhaled, “Get on the bed, now,” Sonya commanded. Carla got to her feet only to squeak as she was pushed onto the sheets.

Sonya climbed on top of her and began peppering her neck with kisses, “Don’t forget to ask for permission…” She murmured into her ear before running her fingers across Carla’s face and down to her breast. She twisted a nipple before moving further down, fingers slipping between her legs. Carla bucked her hips up involuntarily before Sonya stopped. “Tell me what you want,” Sonya whispered, “I want to hear you say it.”

Carla gasped, chest heaving, eyes glazed and distant with lust, her mind already a mushy mess from Sonya’s domineering. She trembled and jerked her hips, trying to get Sonya’s fingers in. Sonya pulled away a little and she let out a whine, clawing at the sheets, “Please! Please please please please please! Mistress! I’m begging you! Fuck me with your fingers, make me cum, make me cum a lot, use me like an object, fuck I can’t take it anymore! I’m your slut, yours, all yours, use me whenever you want. I’ll do anything!”

Sonya grinned, “It’s a deal,” She purred into her ear and slid her fingers inside. She felt the wet warmth and tightness of Carla’s insides curl around her as she bucked her hips frantically.

“Yes!” Carla cried out, not even bothering to control her volume anymore, “God yes, ruin me!”

Sonya started to move, curling her fingers and exploring, looking for the spots that got the best reaction. She observed Carla’s face, watching her carefully. She may have disliked the woman at first, but she was still an attentive lover, she’d make sure to do just what Carla liked. Carla trembled and jerked as Sonya’s fingers moved faster, her fingers clawing at the sheets, her legs kicking a little, Sonya felt her tighten up.

“Already?” Sonya murmured.

“Please!” Carla begged.

“No, you need to hold it,” Sonya whispered, moving a bit faster and drawing a whine out of Carla.

“You’re so mean! Please!” Carla bucked her hips frantically, throwing her head back.

“Just a little more…” Sonya trailed off, curling her fingers and finding that spot. Carla let out a gasp and tried to shift away, trying to hold off a bit longer.

“Please! I’m gonna- please! Mistress please! Please please please please!” She begged, gasping for air, sweat glistening on her chest. 

“Okay, you may cum,” Sonya instructed and without an instant of hesitation, Carla went over the edge, melting onto the bed as she let out a noisy cry of bliss that Sonya had no doubt carried into the living room and beyond. She twitched and jerked, legs kicking as Sonya kept it going, even as she pulled her knees together. Sonya didn’t stop until she saw a flicker of pain on Carla’s face. She pulled her fingers out and held them up to Carla’s face. “Look at the mess you made,” Sonya murmured.

Carla stared at the fingers in a daze, her head swimming from her climax. She opened her mouth and licked them, sucking on the fingers before pulling back with a satisfying pop and let her head rest on the bed. “Thank you, Mistress,” Carla murmured, her chest rising and falling.

Sonya sat up and put her hands on either side of Carla’s head, “I hope you didn’t forget I’m not letting you sleep tonight,” Sonya said, meeting the woman’s fuzzy gaze.

Carla swallowed and smiled dazedly, “Whatever you want.”

Sonya grinned, “We’re going to have to get you fitted for a collar after this,” She murmured and planted a kiss on the woman’s forehead. Carla let out a sigh of delight as her body continued to twitch from the aftershocks. Sonya leaned back and rolled her shoulders.

It was going to be a long night.


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