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Note: This side story will contain some BDSM themes and degredation. Also, it is a Sonya x Carla pairing. It doesn't need to be read to enjoy the main story in any way but the nature of the relationship may reflect partially in future interactions between the characters, predominantly in the form of subtext. That said, enjoy.


The ride from the club to Sonya’s apartment was brief, only a few minutes, and Sonya let Carla stew the entire way. She remained utterly silent, watching as the poor thing squirmed in the seat next to her, the driver not daring to glance back in their direction. Sonya kept her back straight, her legs crossed, and her eyes forward. Meanwhile, Carla was hunched over, trembling, her breath already coming hard and a flush across her face. Her eyes flicking about now and then. Sonya’s smug smile widened as they pulled into the underground garage.

She turned her head just as the car came to a stop and reached out to put a finger beneath the woman’s chin, tilting her head up with a single application of pressure. Carla squeaked at the sudden contact but fell still, her eyes turning to look up pleadingly in Sonya’s direction. “What are you thinking about?” She asked.

Carla’s eyes went wide, her pupils shrinking a little, Sonya’s enhanced senses could literally map the increase in temperature across her body. “I-I-I-” she stammered.

The door opened for Sonya and she slipped out, nodding to the driver who tipped his hat. She gestured to Carla for her to follow. She had the option of getting out of her own door, of course, but she chose to crawl across the seat and take Sonya’s hand. Sonya pulled her to her feet with a single jerk and she nearly fell against Sonya’s chest. She gasped and looked up, “You like that?” She asked and began to walk, leading her to the elevator.

They stepped inside and Sonya tapped the button for the floor, careful not to use technopathy out of habit. Carla was leaning against the wall, curling her fingers together. I wonder how much I can wind her up? Sonya thought and strode forward, Let’s see if my read on her was right…

She walked over and put her hand on the side of the elevator, practically pinning Carla to the wall. She looked down and into her eyes, “Look at me,” She said, putting her leg between Carla’s.

Carla looked up and froze, her breath coming in heavy again. Sonya could feel how hot it was. She tilted her head, her glowing eyes fixed on Carla’s own. “You know I live with Marta and Amos, right?” She murmured.

Carla swallowed, suppressing a squeak, but nodded.

“They’re home,” Sonya said.

The woman’s face turned bright red, her eyes glazing over a little, “B-but, then… we can’t just…”

“Why not?” Sonya pressed.

“I don’t… know…” Carla breathed, her hips squirming a little, trying to press against Sonya’s thigh.

“You’re going to walk right in the front door with me,” Sonya said, “Understood?”

Carla squirmed but didn’t break eye contact, “Y-yes mistress…”

Sonya’s lip quirked, “I didn’t tell you to call me that,” She whispered, “Where’d you get that idea?”

Her eyes went wide and her flush grew even more pronounced, her heavy breathing getting a little wild. Sonya looked her up and down, searching her face for a moment before placing a finger on her lips. Carla leaned into it, opening her mouth a little as she dazedly tried to take it into her mouth. “Mistress please…”

“We’re not even there yet,” Sonya reprimanded her with a laugh, “Impatient little pervert.”

Carla flinched again but the look in her eyes didn’t deny anything. The chime rang for the elevator and Sonya pulled away, eliciting a pained whine from Carla. She turned and stepped out of the elevator, holding out her arm for Carla to cling to. She did without hesitating, practically leaning on Sonya for support as they approached the door. Sonya opened it and lead her inside, “I’m home!” She announced herself, drawing another flinch from Carla.

“Welcome back!” Marta called back.

Sonya grinned even wider as she walked down the short entry and into the open living space, glancing over at Marta who was in the kitchen preparing something. Marta looked up from what she was doing and spotted Carla. Carla’s breath came in harder as she felt Marta’s scrutiny, her judging eyes, Marta knew what Carla had tried to do and now here she was. Sonya could practically taste the shame billowing off of the woman. She had to restrain herself then and there and continue playing her game.

“Hey Marta, where’s Amos?” She asked.

“Present!” Amos shouted from the couch and turned around, pausing his game. He paused when he saw Carla and then looked up at Sonya who smiled at him. 

He turned his eyes back on Carla and Sonya reached over to squeeze the woman’s hand before pointing to the door to her bedroom, a short, but somehow agonizingly long walk from where they were standing. “You can wait in there,” She said quietly.

Carla nodded and tried to step forward, releasing her grip on Sonya but nearly stumbled she was so flushed and overheated. She forced herself to move under the scrutiny of Marta and Amos, making her way to the door and practically stumbling inside. Marta glanced at her and raised an eyebrow, Sonya grinned at her and shrugged. Amos rolled his eyes and grabbed his headphones, putting them on. Sonya walked past them, striding into her room and opening the door. She found Carla standing, staring at the wide bed, with her back to the door.

“Enjoy your walk of shame?” Sonya asked.

Carla squeaked and spun, her cute little sounds were really doing it for Sonya. She grinned and looked down at her, walking forward as she let that primal side of her start to take control. Carla stepped back and fell onto the bed, struggling to sit up as Sonya put her hands on either side of her, leaning over her. “I did my research on you, rich family, old money, expectations and an image to maintain. Pressure, so much pressure. Then becoming one of the head agents for the Chairman. Going places…” She purred and stood up, taking a step back, “Stand up,” She ordered, her voice like a whip.

Carla got to her feet, her chest heaving, her eyes glazed over with need.


That tight little dress was undone and around her ankles in an instant. She was wearing white elaborate lace. Her panties leaving very little to the imagination. Sonya smirked, “I like the color. You were hoping for something tonight, weren’t you? Work got you stressed?” She teased the woman who trembled and tried to breathe. She didn’t speak as she reached up and unclasped her bra from the font, letting it fall as well. She brought her hands up quickly to cover her pink nips and perfectly shaped handfulls, her eyes going to the ground.

“Now you’re ashamed?” Sonya purred and stepped in, taking her hand and pulling it down, she didn’t resist. “After I paraded you in front of my roommates? They know whats about to happen to you, does that excite you?”

Carla let out a whine, “I-I can’t…”

“Say it, or I’m going to stop right here and now,” Sonya ordered, “Put words to it.”

Carla looked up into her eyes, desperate, almost pained, she pressed her lips and knees together, another whine in her throat. “Yes, puh-please, more please,” Carla begged.

“Good girl,” Sonya said, “Now lose these…” She trailed off and tugged up on the front of Carla’s panties, drawing out a small moan, “And bend over the bed.”

White lace hit the ground in an instant, Carla turned and put her hands on silk sheets, her ass in the air and her legs spread out. She was already gripping the sheets as Sonya stood behind her, she reached down and ran a finger up between her legs. Carla moaned, her head falling forward to rest against the bed. God damn, she’s soaked, Sonya snorted derisively and grasped her cheek, squeezing, her fingers sinking into soft skin. “How the hell do you get away with having a perfect ass like this?” Sonya demanded, squeezing harder.

Carla let out a gasp and trembled, pulling up her head and looking over her shoulder pleadingly, “Please…”

“Please what?” Sonya asked.

Carla’s mouth moved, trying to articulate.

“Speak,” Sonya demanded and pulled her hand away.

The floodgates opened, “Please! Spank me, hit me, be cruel to me, make it hurt, please! I need it! I want it so bad! I’ve wanted-” She caught herself and squeaked again as Sonya drove her palm down into one of those pale cheeks, her cry turning into a little moan.

“Wanted what?” Sonya pressed, “How long have you wanted this?”

“I can’t!” She moaned, “Just please do it again!”

“You’re gonna have to stop ignoring my orders if you want me to keep going,” Sonya said coldly, her tone drawing a literal moan out of Carla. “I won’t ask again, speak when I tell you to, time for some honesty.”

Carla whined and shook her ass, bundling up the sheets in her hands, “Ever since you looked at me with those cold eyes, when you lectured me back in your office, I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind! I’ve wanted you to punish me! Please! Please! Please please please! Do it agai-” She let out a cry and moan as another slap struck her. “Yes!”

Sonya rolled her neck and smirked, This is going to be fun.
