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Sonya Chernovna (Ishtar)

The Main Character. In her past life she was a hero field scout working for the American Heroes Guild. After the Hero War and subsequent Apocalypse she opened Pandora’s Box and was sent back in time with the goal of preventing the war by any means necessary. She has since donned the role of Supervillain under the monicker Ishtar in an effort to give the heroes a more pressing common enemy rather than one another and foster a sense of unity among them. Sonya can be brash and goofy, prone to taking risks with her own body, but also calculating and excessively cruel when she wears her mask as Ishtar. Her greatest weakness is her inability to lie, even attempting to do so causes her to literally choke on her words. She has a voracious sweet tooth and love of snacks. In her past life she was married to Lian Chunha, even taking her name. In the current timeline she is significantly more open about relationships and has had numerous partners, including Mikayla and Carla.

Abilities: Cyber-Punk (Uncommon?), Broker (Mythic)

Marta Daphne (Handmaiden)

A middle-aged woman who served as Sonya’s caretaker after she was blinded in a chemical incident. Marta was with Sonya during the flash and died at the beginning of the Hero War in the previous timeline. In the current timeline her powers were awakened and her youth restored by Sonya. She was then abandoned by her religious zealot husband and threw her lot in with Sonya. She acts as Sonya’s bodyguard, personal maid, and sometimes a psychological grounding point. 

Abilities: Heroic Strength (Heroic), Man of Many Faces (Rare), Baldur’s Body (Mythic)

Amos Carter

A down-on-his luck scientist and engineer who in the previous timeline was one of the individuals responsible for the corruption of Hero culture, allowing his greed to lead him down a dark path. In the current timeline he was taken in by Sonya after a rocky start and became her head researcher and confidant in her role as Ishtar. He acts in a somewhat brotherly role to Sonya often goofing off with her in their downtime and joining Marta in teasing her to keep her grounded. He was a genius before the flash and that only was amplified by his abilities. He deeply resents the University system that washed him out prior to the flash. He is in a very private relationship with Colin.

Abilities: Genius-level Intellect (Heroic), Technopathy (Heroic)

Colin Matthews (Mephisto)

A lawyer originally operating out of Orlando, Florida who’s natural talent and ability was overshadowed by his far more successful and well connected brother. In the previous timeline he was enslaved by Otis to use as his personal legal advisor to help him avoid the consequences of his actions. In the current timeline, Sonya got to him first and took him in as part of her inner circle, specifically to help her widen the scope of her Broker ability by creating contracts that don’t require a handshake. While Otis broke down his spirit in his past life, he is naturally a resilient and rather headstrong person with a coy side, going as far as to demand Ishtar get out of his chair during their first meeting.

Abilities: Word of Power (Mythic), Ogre’s Strength (Rare), other physical enhancements.

Martin Fuller

A talented detective who initially held a great deal of suspicion, bigotry, and dislike for light-touched. A strict man who developed a bit of a drinking problem before the flash. He is the first person to become suspicious of Sonya and one of the few people not aligned with Ishtar to see her in person and survive the encounter. He is single-mindedly obsessed with taking down Ishtar and proving to the world that she is the actual threat created by the flash. Recently he was promoted to the position of Chief Investigator for the North American branch of the Pandora Committee.

Abilities: Unawakened


An enigmatic young man obsessed with mythology and in particular greek mythology. A psychopathic nihilist, he appears to have orchestrated the Hero War only for his own amusement and desire to see the world end. Not much is known about him except that he was near Greece shortly after the flash, possesses a wide variety of abilities, and is currently working in the shadows, much like Sonya. In the previous timeline he rose through the ranks of heroes to become the most powerful man on Earth and gathered a group of heralds around himself to reaffirm his power and dominance. He was somehow killed just before Sonya obtained Pandora’s Box.

Abilities: Invulnerability? Forgetability? Technopathy? And many others.


Barry Logan (Kingshark)

A one-time small-time gangster in New York who encountered Sonya after the flash. His life in the previous timeline is unknown. He was the first villain to swear fealty to Ishtar and she provided him insights into his ability, allowing him to grow in power while she funded and organized his ascent to King of the Underworld in New York. He now controls gangs across the United States and is a publicly known Supervillain. As one of Sonya’s first villainous subordinates, he is extremely loyal to her.

Abilities: Lord of the Depths (Mythic)

Park Beyol (Blackrazor)

An assassin from the Night Society hired by Phan Duong and Feng Hyunh to assassinate Sonya Chernovna. Suffering from Pandora Sickness, he allowed his powers to get the better of  him mentally, clouding his mind and leading him to making poor decisions and overconfidence. He was defeated by Marta and dragged before Ishtar where he sold his soul and everything he possessed to her in exchange for power. He was reborn as the Supervillain Blackrazor and sent by Ishtar to conquer the Night Society to add its power to her faction.

Abilities: Steelblood (Rare), Toxic Blood (Rare), Autarch of Shadows (Mythic)

Bernetta Lucci

The CEO of the Lucci Luxury Goods corporation and a financial supporter of Ishtar, she is the active leader of Ishtar’s club (cult) in Europe.

Abilities: Unawakened


One of Kingshark’s subordinates who assisted in the feigned kidnapping of Sonya during the events of the first Hero Day.

Abilities: Smoky Path (Rare)


One of Kingshark’s subordinates who assisted during the Hero Day attack. 

Abilities: Explosive Touch (Rare)

Grant Tillman (Dupe)

One of Kingshark’s subordinates and head of the Northwest division of Kingshark’s criminal empire. He assisted in covering up the death of Park Beyol and was instrumental in trapping Beyol.

Abilities: Duplicate (Heroic), Green Flame Kit (Rare)

Thomas Pile (Wicker)

One of Kingshark’s subordinates that was arrested during the Hero Day attack, he is currently in prison and, under orders, using it to evangelize for Ishtar and increase her faction’s numbers.

Abilities: Unknown


Part of a trio of light-touched criminals who operated in Florence, Italy. She attempted to kidnap Amos and Mikayla with the help of her comrades but was crushed and eventually recruited (enslaved) by Ishtar.

Abilities: Heroic Speed (Heroic)


Part of a trio of light-touched criminals who operated in Florence, Italy. He was the muscle of the group and assisted in the brief conspiracy to kidnap Amos and Mikayla. He was beaten and recurited (enslaved) by Ishtar.

Abilities: Green Flame Kit (Rare)


Part of a trio of light-touched criminals who operated in Florence, Italy. He was the brains of the operation. In the previous timeline he eventually became the Guildmaster of one of the major guilds in Europe and sided with Otis. Ishtar murdered him in the current timeline.

Abilities: The Astral Eye (Heroic)


Choi Da-Som

A korean-american medical researcher and passionate physician that tended to Sonya after the flash and expressed interest in her eyes. He was later recruited by Sonya to join ASTA corporation as one of the researchers supporting Amos.

Abilities: Unawakened


Lucian (Ironsides)

A russian-american who joined the Pandora Committee shortly after its formation, choosing to become an investigator. He was partnered with Martin Fuller shortly after getting his position and acts as his partner and sometimes bodyguard. They maintain a largely professional relationship with the two bickering periodically over Martin’s obsession with Ishtar.

Abilities: Iron Body (Heroic)

Carla Mint

A field agent for the Pandora Committee serving directly under the Chairman. She was sent by the Chairman to convince Sonya to surrender her intellectual property rights and was even instructed to attempt to seduce Sonya if it became necessary. This only lead to a hostile reaction from Sonya who regarded Carla with something between indifference and contempt for some time afterward. Behind the scenes, Sonya eventually entered a casual dominant-submissive relationship with Carla in order to help the two of them relieve stress.

Abilities: Unawakened

Chairman Phan Trai

The Chairman of the Pandora Committee and final authority concerning the licensing of heroes and some guild activities. He is very supportive of his rather spoiled son who he even tried to steal Sonya’s intellectual property for. He and Sonya have a begrudging relationship with Sonya often going out of her way to annoy him when she can while still doing her best to adhere to the tenants of the Committee.

Abilities: Unawakened

Rupert Sohmer

A representative of the Pandora Committee present for the Hero Day events.

Abilities: Unawakened


Nick Adders (Firestorm)

The son of the wealthy Jonathan Adders, born with a silver spoon and a big heart. Nick has lived much of his life trying to help people and immediately took action during the flash to save others. He eventually became a vigilante of some high repute and was the first of his kind to reveal their identity publicly. As one of the most popular and well respected heroes in the world, he maintains a great deal of clout that he refuses to use, only wanting to help others. He is the only hero who knows about Sonya’s ability to make deals but seems to have forgotten about it despite her using it to save his father’s life. He lead his team into the Times Square dungeon in the current timeline and fought with Kingshark at the Hero Day event.

Abilities: Firestorm (Heroic)

Logan Williams (Bandit)

A rather unassuming young man who was part of a three man team of vigilantes including Bluestar. After losing one of their teammates to a Lurker they were saved by Firestorm who invited them to his group. He later became part of the four man group of heroes that announced themselves to the US Government and heralded in the Hero Era. He was part of the Times Square dungeon team.

Abilities: Dark Bowman (Heroic)

Jessica Wright (Bluestar)

A brilliant young woman who teamed up with Bandit shortly after the flash and went with him, Firestorm, and Lifesaver to DC to assist Sonya Chernovna in kicking off the Hero Era. Part of a rare category of heroes that use a form of true magic and an extremely talented administrator, she caught Sonya’s eye and was eventually made Guildmaster of the ASTA Guild. She was part of the Times Square dungeon team.

Abilities: Azure Magician (Heroic)

Dr. Larry Ellis (Lifesaver)

A talented physical therapist and one-time field medic who obtained the ability to heal with his hands and at a distance. He operated alone for a while before eventually teaming up with Firestorm shortly before they stumbled upon Bandit and Bluestar. He became part of the four-man team of heroes that would go to DC, defend the Hero Day event in New York, and enter the Times Square dungeon.

Abilities: Grace (Heroic)

Phan Duong (An Set)

A violent and short tempered young man and the son of the Chairman of the Pandora Committee, in the previous timeline he was one of the Heralds of Otis and lorded over society as a god. His temper was his greatest weakness until he was subdued by his fiance, Feng Hyunh using her mind control abilities. He has a severe inferiority complex and deeply resents Sonya Chernovna for her success and stopping his effort to steal her work.

Abilities: Electrical Ability (Mythic)

Feng Hyunh (Amethyst)

A cunning and cautious woman, heiress to the Da Mau Syndicate and Phan Duong’s fiance. It is unknown if she actually cares about her future husband or if she intends to use him for her own gain. She resents his behavior but resisted the desire to dominate his mind until she had no further options. In the previous timeline she was the true Herald of Otis behind An Set while remaining behind the scenes. 

Abilities: Amethyst-related Magic (Unknown) 

Lian Chunha (Black Lotus)

A strict and powerful woman and Colonel of the People’s Army of China who awakened with a mythic-tier ability. In the previous timeline she was Sonya’s wife and had softened into a doting and loving persona that Sonya often leans on in her memories even in the current timeline. She was assigned to the International Strike Force by the Chinese Government. She possesses an extremely rare ability capable of active and intentional growth rather than other abilities that require time and more concerted effort.

Abilities: Lord of Jianghu (Mythic)


Jonathan Adders

Nick’s Father and head of a multi-national luxury furniture company.

Abilities: Unawakened

Carl Brightman

Martin’s original partner.

Abilities: Unawakened

Mikalya Summer

A clothing designer that Sonya met early on and had a brief affair with. She loved Sonya but picked up on the fact that Sonya was only using her as a way to fill a spot that had been emptied by someone else. They broke up after the events of Florence and Mikalya chose to stay to study under Bernetta Lucci.

Abilities: Unawakened

Cal Samos (Graff)

A life-sentence prisoner at the same prison Wicker is being held at. He was in prison during the incarceration and claims to only be there because he wants to be.

Abilities: Unknown

Franklin Lorde

An unawakened prisoner at the same prison as Wicker who took an interest in the stories about Ishtar and eventually signed a contract to get awakened.

Abilities: Unknown


A New York cab driver that was murdered by Blackrazor and rose from the dead as a sentient zombie. Panic-prone and terrified of his situation, he is currently fumbling to find some meaning in what has happened to him.

Abilities: Patient Zero



Made a few updates with some folks that were missing. Let me know if anyone else is missing!


Personally, I’m betting that Otis has plot armor. His power is going to be something like Man of Myths. He has whatever powers are convenient for his personal narrative, and if you aren’t a part of that narrative you are incapable of remembering it. Protagonist luck and the like.


That... Would be F*CKING AWFUL. A literally plot armored "protagonist" who wants to burn the world down.