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A little late, but it's the best I can do as a Christmas present for now (Wait until you see what we've done with the princess!) Kinda funny how we have two Zelda posts incoming this week. but I guess that's life!

Anyway, here we have Linkle, from the upcoming Hyrule Warriors series!  hopefully, everyone's had (or still having) a happy holiday, and are set for the New Year!

Not much else going on by me, you know the drill!  Let's see who's gonna get gagged up good and proper in two weeks!  Vote away!




Gah, so cute ^_^ Synth body Curie ballgagged with a tiny version of her Mr. Handy body (straps are her arms, ball has three little eyestalks poking out of it, etc). Bonus points if she manages to look oddly fascinated by the new experience. I will keep suggesting this one =3


Another lovely piece and happy holidays to all!


I think the time has finally come for this one. It's got twice the character of most of the others.


She looks too cute here - glad you got the time off, and here's looking forward to more fun in '16!


Love the pic and love the gag :)


Looks like Curie is the one we're going with! (Who says repetition doesn't reap rewards?)