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I think this is the first gag Bust I've done where the character in question doesn't actually have a last name yet.  Damn you, J.J. Abrams with all your secrecy!  Even once I see the movie, I can't edit the picture with her last name for at least a few weeks, out of respect for spoilers!

I was told to go "Star Warsy" on the design of the bonds/gag, so I went looking for some things that fit the bill and I must say I'm happy with the turnaround!  This also marks a turning point for me in terms of coloring.  Recently, I decided that - instead of having a dead set coloring style - I would just use things that I know and try out everything else as I go.  Since Daisy Ridley is the real life model for Rey, I tried to make it a bit more realistic and softer around the edges, and while I definitely still have room to improve, I'd say this was an overall success!

Let's here your thoughts and ideas about who to kidnap for our next gag Bust in the comments below!  Thanks again for everyone's continued support, and see you next week!




That gag-design is hilarious - got to love the standard issue Imperial Bonds that are being put to use here. Maybe this First Order group isn't half bad... Great work, and looking forward to this week's nominees!


Awesome :D And now throwing out the same one I suggested from last week: Synth body Curie ballgagged with a tiny version of her Mr. Handy body (straps are her arms, ball has three little eyestalks poking out of it, etc). Bonus points if she manages to look oddly fascinated by the new experience.


Trying to think of the best sw pun but just too many to pick from. Nice work!


Just whoaa :D !! Everything here is great. The lips are so real, the shape is brilliant, and the ball is so deep into her mouth... Maybe a bit of drool but i'm meticulous ;)


Man that looks good. Accurate likeness and those teeth. Wow!


Oooh, nice. This might be the very first Rey! :P I'll nominate Linkle again. The new trailers revealed her to be quite a chatterbox, so how about a nice big knotted cleave gag to keep her quiet?


Really good use of the universe's industrial design visual language with Rey's accessories, and the turn toward something closer to photo-realism with the rendering is an effective choice. A great piece, best gag bust I've seen so far. :-)


Looks like it's a mainly unanimous decision for "Linkle" or, femLink, as I'm going to call her :P