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Fixing the DCU sins of the movies one page at a time!  Sure, there's a bit of sin in here too, but the good kind, we hope!  What's life without a little sin, right?  Right...?  I have no idea, I think a church would burn to the ground if I crossed the threshold...

Anyway, check out the latest page of Little Shop of Harley!  How does our jester princess get the drop on TWO of Gotham/Metropolis' finest?  With a little help from her friends, of course!  We'll be live soon with some more sketches, and possibly getting a head start on the next BOUND pages!  Till then, stay devious!





Ah yes, the good kind of escalation. Good to see Ivy has plenty of entertainment planned for the evening, got to love the bit of groping both heroines are dealing with. :P