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New page of Entangled, hot and fresh out the oven for ya! We turn the camera to the rest of our illustrious, voluptuous adventuring party for the moment!  What foul deviations await them?  A whole heck of a lot, if the small one gets her way...

We'll be streaming sketches all day today, so don't forget to swing by!  Oh also, we figured out how to set a permanent Discord invite, so we'll share that too!  

Stay devious!





lol, This is great. loving all the characters so far, Also that shot of Zee in the bottom panel with the city in the background is beautiful for so many reasons 8D


Great update, loving the Character's (player's) internal dialogue. The little poking the DM moment is my fav. And agreed with @mithraxkell Fantastic end shot.


The players are just as much fun as the comic. Another fun page!