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Well, the good news is we're finally catching up on work after the vacation!  The bad news is that, evidently, it takes a week to catch a fever from the bacteria of whatever I was doing while on vacation.  Maybe it was just something else, I dunno, point is, we're hit hard.  

Gonna at least try to finish some lingering work on the Hermione comic today, and maybe do some more sketch series', but the BOUND comic pages may just have to wait until June, we'll see what happens with my temperature.  Either way, we totally appreciate your patience, and we'll keep in touch!  Till then, stay devious!





Hope it‘ll pass quickly, wish you a speedy recovery :-)

Jacob Schneider

This looks great! And I hope you get well soon!


Concentrate on your health and get well soon.


Arrrgh - sorry to hear that the bug bit you. I hope you can get enough rest and recover swiftly!! Meanwhile, that gag and expression are pretty fantastic!


Hope you feel better, focus on yourself first


One of the few artists Ive seen who makes ball gags look good. Anyways, get well soon, and in case nausea isn't another symptom, eat a lot of food. Body needs energy 8D