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After a lengthy and much-needed vacation to Universal Studios, we're back, and ready to get into the swing of things!  Sadly, our internet was having none of it for the majority of the day, so we didn't get any streaming done, but we did manage to at least get you guys the long-awaited Pinup Wallpaper you've been waiting for!  Looks like Rey's got a bit of a long vacation in store for her as well, which you can catch a glimpse of in both versions of the teaser image, attached below!  Sta tuned and stay devious, cause we'll be back at it tomorrow with more kinky goodness!





this is probably my favorite of the wallpapers. techy stuff and gag, red glowing stuff, and a gagged Daisy Riddley. it's got everything


Well, welts aren't really my bag, but you guys' stuff is always amazing! Kinda weird to say, but your overall style reminds me of Saneperson sometimes.


Amazing piece. It may be a belated May the 4th gift, but it was well worth it. Rey came out looking INCREDIBLE.


After noticing the butt drill droid looks like the Death Star, I have to ask if it's programmed to destroy Uranus....I'm sorry.