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Valar Rereadis: Second Thoughts/Poll

  • Sunday 3 EST PM 81
  • Sunday 4 EST PM 33
  • Sunday 5 EST PM 19
  • Sunday 6 EST PM 59
  • 2019-05-27
  • 192 votes
{'title': 'Valar Rereadis: Second Thoughts/Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Sunday 3 EST PM', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'Sunday 4 EST PM', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Sunday 5 EST PM', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Sunday 6 EST PM', 'votes': 59}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 27, 18, 32, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 192}


I've spent most of the weekend thinking about this on and off. Here's where we are at (moving quickly!):

- If GRRM keeps to his goal of finishing TWOW prior to WorldCon 2020 (August), we have about 14 months to do a reread. 

- Given there will be interruptions on occasion (travel/conventions, holidays), I'm going to call that about a year. Given there are roughly 350 chapters in ASOIAF, and 365 days in a year, we need to get through a little less than 1 chapter a day

- So, 6 chapters a week will be the pace! Each Sunday we will have a livestream for Patrons to discuss what we all read.  Since they are not open to the general public, the livestreams will be WAY smaller than the ones on YT, which means hopefully very few questions go unanswered. Hopefully all get answered, but that will depend on how many ppl show up.

- Prior to each week (Sunday night, probably), IN ADVANCE, the scheduled chapters will be posted here, on Facebook (in the HoW group) and on Flick. I don't have plans to re-post these streams anywhere, they're intended to be more group-chat style rather than episode style... but I will leave that up to feedback from y'all.

 - Worried that pace is too fast? We've considered that! There will be TWO reread tracks. Track 1 is a full reread. Track 2 is SELECTED CHAPTERS only. Track 2 will be more like 1-2 chapters a week.

- You might say/think, "do we really expect GRRM to keep to that goal re: TWOW?" A fair question! If he does not, we will continue Valar Rereadis by delving into TWOIAF, Fire & Blood, Dunk & Egg, etc. We are also somewhat likely to be "pausing" the re-read during the prequel show.... TBD on that.

Poll SUNDAY Livestream TIME


History of Westeros

Responding to Robert and others: The streams will be semi-private. You can access them by being a Patron/donor or member of either the Flick or Facebook groups. We don't want to be overwhelmed by questions, we don't want first time readers, and most of all, we don't want trolls. The sad reality is that almost every stream we do, Ashaya gets inappropriate comments, even when she's not on camera. Keeping the livestreams semi-private will severely curb all that nonsense, while also making the discussions/QA sessions tighter.

Bryan Crane

Awesome! As long as paying fans here on patreon can access a recorded version I think your plan sounds excellent. No need for youtube trolls.