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Edited audio from the livestream on May 15, 2019. Lady Gwyn, Ser Buckley and Aziz discuss "The Bells", a massively pivotal episode.  

Joe Buckley: @SerBuckley; https://isleoffaces.podbean.com and http://thegrindstone.co.uk. Sudio Headphones: https://bit.ly/2YhYGek (code WESTEROS15). 

The Thrones Effect: https://amzn.to/2YwBaKD 

Flick Invite Link (PHONE ONLY): https://bit.ly/2WoAG92 



Maerilyn Sand

Have we already seen a micro-version of her revenge arc, when she was in the house of the undying? In the show, her dragons were stolen and she went in to get them. She was shown several different scenes, among them the destroyed throne room in -apparently- ashes, from which she moved on because she heard a baby, she went through a gate on the wall into the snow to a yurt, where she found Drogo and their baby, but she left them, too, to revenge the stealing of her dragons. What do you think?

William Coopland

When all else is screwed up, go to the House Words.