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Aziz, Lady Gwyn and Joe Buckley ring The Bells, Wednesday 7 PM EST, 11 GMT.

Warning! There are extra puns in this one.

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Game of Thrones: S8E5 - Book to Show

Aziz, Lady Gwyn and Joe Buckley discuss the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones. Joe Buckley: @SerBuckley; https://isleoffaces.podbean.com and http://thegrindstone.co.uk Radio Westeros: https://radiowesteros.com/ Radio Westeros YouTube: https://bit.ly/1P0BzxI Support Westeros History: http://patreon.com/historyofwesteros Flick Invite Link: https://bit.ly/2WoAG92 Subscribe for more Westeros History: http://bit.ly/1ZOxPCc Westeros History Gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfTAGAD5eySmooR0F3GfCpg Special thanks to Michael Klarfeld (Klaradox): http://klaradox.de Follow Westeros History On: Website: http://www.historyofwesteros.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westeroshistory Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/448578135513116/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/westeroshistory SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/history-of-westeros Watch More Westeros History: House Histories: http://bit.ly/1S50zoJ The Blackfyre Rebellions: http://bit.ly/1S50yRD The Winds of Winter: http://bit.ly/1ZOyuDu Religion & Magic: http://bit.ly/1PLahte Season 7 for Book Readers: https://bit.ly/2LngsYl All Playlists: https://bit.ly/2zZrhvi



Aziz, you are so nobly positive - it’s a real gift to us all. I do not feel positive about the show in a lot of ways but you help me remember the ways that I do. Thank you 💗

Daena the Dreamy

Great show and THANK YOU for giving my friend the super chat shoutout 😁. We watch together and mostly have opposing views and thus a great friendly discussion. There is one thing where I disagree with Lady Gwyn: Dany executing Varys with Drogon. I do believe that he is her „sword“ in a sense. She executes herself by way of her own primary weapon. Apart from the little bit during the Battle for Winterfell she has no sword experience. That got me thinking about „Who passes the sentence should swing the sword!“ in more general terms. I am of the (of course very subjective) opinion that there should be exceptions for women, e.g. like Sansa as Lady of Winterfell. She didn’t use a sword on Littlefinger herself, but I was totally fine with it. For this, I have three reasons: 1) being beheaded by a person with no sword skills is inhumane and leads to much unnecessary suffering for the person being executed. A person with sword skills grants a quick death with one single blow. For this reason the French invented the guillotine as a way of „more human execution“ (not starting on death penalty itself now, it was normal im the ASoIaF historical context). A person like Dany or Sansa would need many blows and this causes a lot of pain and suffering. Drogon’s fire is so hot by now, it should melt Varys very quickly when applied directly. 2) The idea stems from a patriarchal society. The inventors of it would have never imagined that a woman could be in power and deal out justice. It was made for male leaders with sword skills. Thus, exceptions should be made for women. 3) Women can still be true to the spirit of the norm while not swinging the sword themselves. What is the telos, the idea, the purpose if that rule? It exists to prevent thoughtless executions. The person dealing out the death sentence should be aware of its consequences. He is supposed to be there, assess the accused as an individual, listen to last words and then, after another reconsideration, be very close at hand to see the execution (=consequences of the guilty verdict) for themselves. It should be a grim duty and not thoughtless act. Removing the judge from the execution makes it easier for him to deal out death sentences. A woman can fulfill all of that while standing 2 meters away from the execution itself.

Stephanie the Peerless, Dwarf of the Lowlands

I agree with your points - especially about a person needing sword skills to perform a more humane beheading (can't believe we're talking about this :D). In the books we see Robb and Theon suffer for it and make a horrible job when they perform an execution.