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This one was redrawn pretty last minute to polish up the proportions; wanted to make it more clear that the characters were adults and they came out too short in the original version so it just looked odd. Actually the second time Yuta was redrawn for this picture - we originally did him standalone with the intention of finishing later but his hair wasn't quite right and he was done in the older line style.

This is from the anime (later adapted into a visual novel) Punch Line - you may remember Yuta here from the first season of the padding tournament. I can't imagine many people here would've seen it but I super recommend giving the show a look if you can; it hits an excellent tonal balance between absurdist comedy and being more serious and it's one of the most intricately plotted shows I've ever seen. Pretty much everything goes somewhere - first episode there's a book lying by a door and half the series later they explain why it was there. It's a very well structured show that is I think 13, might've been 12, episodes and is well worth a look. From the guy who did Zero Escape... and you can tell because it hits a lot of similar plot points to Virtue's Last Reward, though they generally play out much differently.

As a heads-up, we're talking about switching back to updating every three days next month. We're not running out of time or being less able to produce stuff or anything, we'd kind of just like to get a bit more of a hang on scheduling and possibly look to branch out into trying some other things. Just an FYI.



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