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Yeah, just a cute little shot of Erika, wanting to test out various things with how we draw hair and clothes. Not a gigantic amount to say about it but hope everyone enjoys, some feedback would be appreciated here - we moved this well ahead of schedule on posting in part due to being eager to get some thoughts about it.

Sort of funny, we've also been experimenting with how we draw padding but you can't see it here. Guess we'll need to show that off another time.




Oooh, looking pretty cute! I can see a definite difference in the two.


Aww, adorable as always! The folding and creases in the clothes look much nicer now; the way the shirt conforms to the body and the skirt fans out is much more realistic. Also I don't know if its been said, but in general your art in the last year or so has become much more vibrant and crisp than in years past. You guys have come really far. =)

Abe Sedecim

Personally I prefer the Japanese style of manga/anime because it has that unique combination of streamlining vs. Detail that makes it so appealing. That is unless you're going for modern age american comic book style then I'd say you're pretty close. Yet, to me you're kind of in the middle of being modern age and super romantic anime style. Like you're trying to define detail by adding more details on clothing and hair by adding more lines while losing focus on the character as a design if that makes sense. Like the wisdom of Bruce Lee, "a sculpture doesn't add more rock to his statue, he chips away until he finds the image within." -his criticism on Kung Fu traditions.