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Hi all,

Sorry for the delay in making this post. My original plan for this release was to start with adding the Sophisticated NPC to the bar scene, but I was struggling to come up with good content for it so instead I've switched over to working on a strip-blackjack scene for the house party. Overall, my writing hasn't been especially inspired over the last week or two, so progress isn't going as quick as I'd like.

This update and probably the next will be based around finishing touches for 0.3.x. The 0.4 release will probably be the one after this (so, 0.4.0 instead of 0.3.28).

If you have requests for tweaks, adjustments or improvements to existing friendship scenes such as the bar, house party or the newest sex scenes then put them in a comment, as this will be a good opportunity to get them into the game.

I'll also put up a post soon for voter patrons to put forward suggestions for
the PMW release, which will come shortly after 0.4.0. In fact, if the
voting can be done in time it might be the 0.4.1 one.

Hope you're all having a great week. I know I might seem a bit down about my lack of creativity lately, but progress is still being made and the next release shouldn't be too far off.


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