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Hi all! Here's version 0.6.7 of Newlife. This one centers on a new NPC for the office career. 

Let me know if you find any bugs. I spent longer than usual on testing this time so I'm hoping it'll be fine, but there were definitely a bunch of issues to iron out during the tests so it's always possible something's slipped through. Fingers crossed!

Major changes & additions:

Added a new set of events (4 in total) regarding a new NPC that can be encountered on the office job. 

Minor changes:

New OFFICE_HUNK NPC that can be set as a custom NPC, although some values may be overridden when the game is set up.

Added a kiss action to some sex scenes, as requested by Insomniac.

Added an NPC kiss action that can appear for some characters during missionary sex.

Changes for user-submitted content:

Following a bug report by XenonCrossaline, I've updated custom NPC examples with the “boss partner effect” field. This was added in an earlier version but the documentation was not updated so no-one knew it was there. Oops!


Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Stochastic for reporting some of these.



ok, ive been having this issue fora WHILE, the game breaks every single time i do a Look for Job scene, theres no options to make, no text to read.


Hi there, thanks for reporting this to me! So I can track this down, could you do one of two things: A: Run the game from command prompt by following the steps in the troubleshooting section near the bottom of this page: https://splendidostrich.blogspot.com/p/getting-started.html Play the game until you get this problem. An error message will be output to the command prompt once this happens. Send me this message (or at least the first few lines of it) and I should be able to find the problem. B: Send me a save file where this is happening, along with confirming the version number (I assume 0.6.7b patreon). I can then run it via command prompt myself. I'm not sure if Patreon allows attachments in messages, but you can PM me on discord with it. There's a link to the discord channel on the blog.


Hey SO, a quick feature request: would it be possible for you to increase the amount of information that you get in the computer dating site blurbs? Right now it's just general appearance, but it would be better for picking dates (and make more sense) if you got some more info since people would be posting pictures and writing about themselves on a dating site. Any chance you can include age and general physical attractiveness in the blurb as well? Something like getting their hobbies if they have any (e.g. fashion/dancing/etc.) would also be cool but take more work to implement.