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Hi all, here's an updated version of 0.6.3 with fixes to some bugs that were reported in the first release:

Fixes to text issues. Thanks to Saint Destiny for reporting some of these.

Fixed an issue reported by JulianR.Amazing where the HYPNOTIST trait could not be added to custom NPCs.

Fixed an error reported by Saint Destiny where the minidate scene was not starting correctly.

Fixed an error reported by Maliman where one of the minidate transitions was broken (this was my fault, not the original minidate writer's – sorry!)

Fixed a bug reported by Saint Destiny in the conditions for some of the new sex scene's text 



So, I have a question, and I apologize if this isn't the proper thread to ask it. Anyways, I got the event where a friend hangs out with you and your kid and you can convince her to get pregnant. However, when I got the option to suggest someone, my only option was my sleazy boss. I wasn't too keen on suggesting him, but I had no other options so she ended up going out and getting pregnant from a random. Are those actually the only choices, or is there some way to get more choices on the list? I didn't have a boyfriend at the time, is it possible to suggest your boyfriend/husband? And if not, that should totally be an option. That's a super hot concept to me. Anyways, thanks for reading :)


Hi, you can suggest your boss, your partner or any male friend. If she was befriended via the "lowlives at the canal" path then, depending on which choices were taken, you might also get the option to suggest she go down there again on her own.


Suggested trait for male NPCs: traditional. This guy is someone that would be ok with you not wanting to have sex before marriage but would also insist on you becoming a housewife as a wedding vow. Combine this with jerk and you could have a sexist prick as a potential suitor.